8. whipped

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alexia and isabela had shopped for an hour to their hearts content, having spent a lot more than necessary which led to them both sporting numerous shopping bags. alexia suggested that they head to a little cafe before they went back to isabela's apartment.

they took a seat in the far corner of the cafe, picking up the menus on the table, both their eyes scanning through the selection. eventually isabela ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream and a plain ham sandwhich while alexia ordered a lemonade with a chicken salad.

"i aspire to be as healthy as you, i don't think i've ever seen you eat anything remotely unhealthy," isabela chuckled, looking at the pretty blonde that sat across from her. her stomach was filled with butterflies as alexia looked at her with those gorgeous hazel eyes and that teasing smirk.

alexia shrugged innocently, hoping to keep up her confident facade, "it just makes me feel better, especially during the season."

isabela snorted, "if only, i'm the worst when it comes to eating good food. i always try at the start of the season but i don't usually make it to halloween."

alexia giggled and smiled at isabela softly, "well, if it's any consolation, you can't tell."

isabela rose an eyebrow, a smirk adorning her face, "you been checking me out, lex?" she chuckled, watching the way alexia's face flushed a pretty pink and her lips parted softly. god she was beautiful.

"no, i've just seen you know pictures and stuff," alexia rushed out in a quiet voice, her confidence slowly diminishing.

isabela chuckled, "okay, sweetheart."

their food and drinks came and the pair engaged in light hearted conversation, before alexia finally took a deep breath and gathered all of her confidence, looking isabela in the eyes, a small smile taking over her lips.

"isabela, i need to tell you something," alexia started, her tone slightly wavering towards the end, catching the attention of isabela, who felt butterflies erupting in her stomach at the brief knowledge of where this conversation could head.

"what is it?" the english woman asked softly, her tone breathy as she swallowed her nerves.

alexia let out a breath, "i- urm..."

isabela reached her hand over to clasp alexia's hand in her own, giving her an encouraging smile, "it's okay."

that gave alexia the confidence she needed, "i really like you isabela," she blurted out rapidly, a small flush covering her cheeks as she finally admitted her feelings to the younger girl, "ever since i met you, i've been completely enamoured by you. i've been wanting to tell you for a while but i didn't want to make you uncomfortable but after a little chat with lucy this morning, it seems my feelings are reciprocated."

isabela blushed, "that traitor," she chuckled, making alexia smile, "but it's true. i like you too alexia, so much. i'm just- i'm scared, i've not had good experiences in the past in other relationships but i really want to give us a chance."

alexia beamed, "i want to give us a chance too, i promise ill treat you the way you deserve," she told the girl, rubbing her thumb over the back of isabela's hand, "so, will you let me take you out on a date?"

isabela's smile widened and she nodded her head, "please."

"then it's settled, i'll pick you up at 7 on saturday, wear something fancy."

the girls concluded their shopping trip after their little stop at the cafe, making their way back to isabela's apartment, their hands laced together as they strolled through the streets of barcelona, basking in the company of eachother.

as they arrived back at the apartment, isabela stopped before entering, turning to look at alexia, "are you okay with us telling the girls? we don't have to."

"no, i want to, i want everyone to know your my girl," alexia smirked.

"your girl? not yet, babe," isabela teased, leaning forward to kiss alexia's cheek before turning to open the door to the apartment, leading alexia inside, their shopping bags being discarded at the front door before making their way into the living room where mapí, ingrid and lucy were sat.

"hey guys," isabela greeted, a bright smile on her face. lucy internally smirked as she looked at the two blondes, immediately sensing the change of dynamic between them.

"hey, how was your shopping trip?" lucy asked softly, "anything fun happen?" she teased.

isabela rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing a pretty pink, "we had a very good trip thank you."

"yeah, what happened?" mapí asked, her smirk wide and curious.

isabela giggled, glancing briefly at alexia who rolled her eyes at mapí's comment, a smile lingering on her lips, "if you must know, i told isabela how i feel and i'm taking her out on saturday."

mapí let out a loud squeal, clapping her hands petulantly, "i'm so happy for you both, ¡ay dios mío! this is so exciting."

alexia merely chuckled while isabela rolled her eyes, walking around to sit on the couch beside lucy while alexia took a seat beside ingrid.

"how are you feeling?" lucy asked isabela quietly, her voice soft yet slightly concerned.

isabela smiled, "i'm happy, really, i'm a little sad though cause we fly back to england on monday for international break, so i won't be able to see her for like a whole week."

lucy chuckled, "you're completely whipped, babe."

"shut up," isabela muttered.

isabela caught alexia's eye and she smiled at the woman, who smiled back at her, flashing her a wink before she went to back to speaking to mapí and ingrid.

yes, lucy was right, isabela was completely whipped.

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