『 ~•° A Little "Fun" Wouldn't Hurt C.2.5 °•~ 』

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*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*
DECEMBER 15th:  10:49 P.M.


—•° Hey, guys!  It"s the author, Curse, here!  Just another friendly reminder that ages 7(or under that has Wattpad)-12 should NOT be reading this story from this point forward!  For there will be inappropriate/sexual jokes, sexual actions, etc!  So, I'd stop reading RRIIGGGHHTTT here if I were you, underaged Wattpeeps!  Alright, you've been warned. Ok, ENOUGH of me yapping, ENJOY THE STORY 13+'S!! °•—

[{there won't be any Hog & Scorched paragraph this time.}]



—•°  After they all said their 'goodnights' and 'Merry Christmas'' Exetior & Sark walked up the stairs as the others went to bed.  But Exetior had plans for the night as an early gift for Sark.
When they came into their room, Sark plopped down on the bed, shutting his eyes; while Exetior silently and swiftly looked the door with a smirk and a small blush.  Sark sat up and took his shoes off with a yawn, placing them by the edge of the bed, as Exetior did the same.
After they were done getting ready for bed, they got in bed and started to snuggle each other.
"Tired, Dear~?"  Exetior asked.
"Mmhhmm. ." He replied tiredly.
"Well, I think this'll wake you up~" He roughly kissed Sark, wrapping his arms around him, licking around in Sark's mouth.  Sark quietly moaned, wrapping his tongue around Exetior's.  The two broke the kiss for a few minutes to catch their breath.  "Did I wake you up~?"  Exetior said, licking his(not Sark's) lips like a devil.  "Oh-whuh. . ."  Sark put on a smirk.  "and you turned me on~" Sark said as he chuckled, moving Exetior closer to him then wrapping his arms around Exetior's waist.  "Am I topping or are you—" Before he could finish his sentence Sark started thrusting Exetior at a slow pace, startling him(Exetior) a bit.  "I guess you—" Again, before he could finish his sentence, Sark started going faster and a but harder.  "Holy shit -" 
Sark knew what he was doing:  he put a finger on Exetior's chin and made him look up, "I saw you lock the door, Luv~.  And when I did, I knew exactly what you were planning~" . . . "Oh r-really?" Exetior said chuckling nervously since he knew that Sark can dominate him(Exetior).  "Yep~"
Sark pinned Exetior on the bed, putting his hands in Exetior's with a tight grip, roughly kissing him.  Exetior slid his tongue inside of Sark's mouth, licking around his mouth again while chuckling, pulling Sark in to the kiss.  Sark's tail started to wag as he played along with Exetior: wrapping his tongue around Exetior's, then releasing from him starting to lick Exetior's chest with another quiet moan.  He then released his hands from his love's and then wrapped it around Exetior's thighs, starting to roughly thrust Exetior.  Exetior let out a lustful moan from the pleasure he felt, sticking his tongue out.  "A-And here I-I thought I was g-gonna dominate y-you tonight. . ." He said panting with his auricles pinning.  Sark chuckled at that since Exetior's 'plan' didn't go as planned or as wanted, but still, he got what he deserved despite he did nothing.  Sark went faster at the thrusting, getting some more moans out of Exetior.  "Shhh~ we don't want to wake up the guests', right~?"
"mhmmm~. . ."
Sark put a finger underneath Exetior's tongue(not to hurt him or anything) to make whatever sound he made quieter than he wanted it to be.  He moaned quietly, rubbing Sark's thighs slowly.  "A-Ah~ S-Sark. . ."  Sark started going even harder and faster on Exetior, making him moan even more.  "Y-Yes, Luv~?" . . . "F-Fuck me mh~more. . ~" Exetior had a plan for Sark if he(Sark) leaned in closer to him, he'd have the advantage of doing his 'thing' to his love.  Sark chuckled starting to lick Exetior's neck, which meant he leaned in closer to Exetior, which gave him the advantage:  Exetior gripped Sark's thighs and switched places with him quickly, starting to also roughly thrust him.  "GH~ d-damn, n-nice turn a-around. .~"  Sark chuckled weakly, accidentally moaning from the pleasure he was feeling, and of course, by hearing this, Exetior was pleased by hearing his moans.  "S-Someone's gonna c-come up h-here, Exetior, and—" Sark got interrupted by Exetior, reminding him: "The door's locked, H-Hun~ we can h-have all the f-fun we want, so dont worry~."



—•° TIME SKIP:  AN HOUR LATER: 11:56 P.M. °•—

—•°  They had just ended on fucking each other 'all night', as they were heavily panting.  "Th-That. . Was a-a lot of f-fun. . ."  He softly kissed Exetior forehead, rubbing his back slowly.  "M-Mhmm. . ."  Exetior said, still having his hands on Sark's thighs.  "I think we should get some rest since I gave you your fun that you wanted~" . . . "Yeh. . . Yeah. . ."
They snuggled and cuddled through the night.

.I'm giving credit to @FleetExeLuver for the idea though they didn't dm it to me. ^^
*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*

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