1. Who Dares Wins

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"Kim Dami, this is too dangerous! You can't proceed with this plan," her superior exclaims, his voice escalating in both volume and frustration.

"I apologize, sir, but I have to. I've overcome significant challenges to leave Mexico and take this mission," she conveyed in a composed tone.

"I didn't extract you from SEALs just to see you throw yourself into harm's way. You're with the CIA for a purpose," he asserted, standing up from his chair.

"I understand your concern, sir, but leaving SEALs wasn't about avoiding danger. I joined CIA to make a difference," she explained, maintaining her composure.

He sighed heavily, his hands finding support on the desk.

"Dami," he called her. "I know you've endured a lot since your father's death, but you need to understand that making impulsive decisions just because you're hurting it's not a way to cope with the pain. We haven't been able to catch these men in years. Do you truly believe you can succeed where we've struggled?" he inquired.

"Yes, I do, sir," she responded without hesitation.

"And how do you plan to do this?" he inquired, raising a skeptical brow.

"I need to become a member of the 707th Special Mission Battalion to operate within South Korea. Given that I already have a korean name, it will be easier for me to infiltrate their criminal group. I aim to join the Infiltrating Criminal Organizations division within the 707th," she explained as her superior listened attentively.

"Korean name, my ass. Your name is a falsification. I've gotten used to calling you Dami, forgetting that it's not even your real name." 

"Sir," she began, but he interrupted her with a raised hand.

"You don't understand what you're saying right now. The 707th SMB can't provide the cover you want. They primarily handle counter-terrorism and hostage rescue operations, while you aim to go undercover."

"But they conducted an operation targeting this criminal group! I can gather more information about them, compelling them to accept me into their group, whether they're willing or not," she insisted, her tone escalating with determination.

"They'll kill you! Why would they bring you into their group just because you know about their illegal activities? Dami, everyone knows, even the entire police force. But no one can do anything about it," he raised his tone, expressing concern.

"I've already obtained some valuable information when I was in Mexico. I can use that against them," she replied confidently.

"And I'm not naive. I know they'll try to eliminate me the moment I disclose this information. I'll ensure to make it clear that if anything happens to me, the truth will come to light," she continued, resolute in her determination.

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