11. Time To Get Naughty

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Dami turned slowly to find him leaning against the wall, cigarette in hand, the smoke swirling around him, shrouding him entirely. Even in the dim light, his smirk was unmistakable.

"Didn't hyung make it clear that leaving the mansion is forbidden? Then, where were you sneaking off to?" Jun inquired, taking another drag from his cigarette before casually dropping it to the ground, extinguishing it with his foot.

"I just had to see a friend," she lied, struggling to keep her composure. During her time there, Dami had learned that Jun was not someone to be trifled with or deceived.

He hummed in response, closing the distance between them with deliberate, unhurried steps, his gaze never wavering from hers.

Jun wore a white shirt, the top buttons undone to reveal a hint of his toned chest beneath. His tie hung loosely around his neck, as if discarded in a moment of haste.

His sleeves were rolled up casually, exposing the veins coursing beneath his skin, adding to his rugged appeal. As he closed the distance between them, his intense gaze locked onto hers, sending a surge of heat through Dami's veins.

"Are you absolutely sure you're telling me the truth, baby?" he murmured, his deep voice resonating in the dark surroundings as he looked down at her.

"Yes," Dami responded instantly, her voice steady despite the rapid thumping of her heart. She knew she had to maintain the facade, or face the consequences...

"Ah, what should I do with you, hmm?" he hissed, a mocking semblance of hurt crossing his features. "Should I go tell Seungcheol?" His chuckle held a hint of menace. "But then again, we both know what happens next...you'd be signing your own death warrant," he added darkly.

Dami sighed, a sinking feeling settling in her chest as she realized the gravity of the situation. "Please...don't tell him," she pleaded, her gaze meeting his, searching for any flicker of mercy in his empty eyes.

"I won't," Jun declared, his tone firm as he took another deliberate step closer to her, his presence looming, causing her to instinctively retreat until her back pressed against the wall.

"But I need something in return," his smirk returned, spreading across his face like a shadow as he placed a hand on the wall next to her head, effectively trapping her in place.

"What do you need?" she inquired, desperately hoping he would request something manageable, like money or perhaps help with his tasks.

"You," he answered with a seductive whisper, his voice laced with desire as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against her skin.

The intensity in his gaze held her captive, sending a shiver down her spine as she realized the depth of his request.

"Why can't you get the hint? I don't like you, Jun," she spoke firmly, her words laced with a mixture of frustration and desperation. "Why don't you go find some girl who's willing to...do whatever it is you want?" Her voice trailed off, a plea hidden within her words, hoping he would reconsider his demand.

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