Part I - Fifteen

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Jay did not know what made him certain that the meeting would be in Sukjeongmun Gate out of all the places that existed in Seoul. For some reason, he knew the oddness he felt was what he should trust. Maybe, just maybe... Kai has his reason for choosing such a location. It could be that he did not want to be tailed or seen by anyone, knowing that what they were trying to work on was pretty dangerous and confidential.

But still, it's winter! And the temperature was not in his favour this morning. How could Kai not think of such conditions? Thankfully his stamina was built for a morning hike, even in the freezing weather.

Though a bit of a nuisance, Jay was glad the meeting location was near the neighbourhood he lived in. He read on the internet that it only going to take him around fifteen minutes or less than twenty minutes of walking up the trail before reaching the top.

God, he hoped he was at the right place and not wasting his time and energy on this.

On a side note, Jay appreciated the view and scenery that greeted him throughout his hiking. It was breathtaking that the pictures he took did not give justice to what his eyes saw.

After around fifteen minutes, Jay finally reached the top where the gate was situated. The freezing wind made him pull his jacket closer, hands digging the warmth in the pocket which thankfully radiated from the hot packs he put there before leaving the house.

He then glanced over his watch and looked at the time. It's exactly 10.30 a.m. just like Sunoo said he should come.

But why there was no one up here?

Could it be he went to the wrong location?

Fishing out his phone from his jacket, Jay immediately opened his KakaoTalk inbox to check on Sunoo's message again. Before he could further his complaint and disappointment, heavy panting and footsteps came behind him, and Jay never turned his body around that fast.

"Seriously," the newcomer said, breath short from the hiking. "How can you pick this place out of all other places in Seoul, Jay?"

It was Kai, and hold up ... did he say Jay picked the location?

"What do you mean I picked this place? Isn't it you?" Jay asked back, his eyebrow furrowed in puzzlement.

"Me? I picked this location?" Kai coughed slightly, still controlling his heavy breathing. "Ha, now you're playing stupid, huh?" he scoffed.

Jay really did not understand what this half-Korean implied by that. And why were they accusing each other because of this?

"FYI," Kai continued. "Sunoo told me himself that you chose this location as our meeting place yesterday."

Sunoo did?

"Well, you know what?" Jay said. "Sunoo is also the one who told me that Kai informed him the meeting place will be on the North Gate."

It did not take that long for Kai to realize the mystery behind all this, and Jay could see it flashed through his eyes. They were indeed thinking of the same answer.

"Where is he?" Kai asked quietly.

"I wonder about that too," Jay replied.

Kai couldn't help but sighed exasperatedly. He then took out his phone to check on his last message with Sunoo, to which the latter had not replied with anything but 'last seen'. Now he wondered if Sunoo did this intentionally, but again ... for what? Was he coming for something? As far as he remembered, he had nothing serious going on with the late Seonjae. Even if Sunoo really was looking for something, shouldn't that be Jay and the rest of the posh kids in Sangje's Student Society?

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