Chapter 6

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A/N I do not own Glee
Thank you for the positive feedback

"There has to be some kind of show choir competition committee we can complain to!" Tina exclaimed as the bell rang signaling that class has started. Blaine was quick to reply.

"I know it sucks guys, but it's not the end of the world.heck you guys had your set list stolen the day of the competition at Sectionals and you pulled that one off, right?" Blaine said with hope in his eyes and voice.

"Yeah Blaine, that was Sectionals.. This is REGIONALS... Anyways, by the looks of it and the constant complaints courtesy of Kurt, Sebastian actually seems like a.. Excuse me, but a bitchlet as what Santana would say." I told everyone. Puck scoffed.

"Did Aria just curse?" Finn said with a hand to his heart.

"Shut it Hudson..." I say before Artie wheels in.

"Well, that can have our Journey and our Dreamgirls, but pilfering my Michael.. Mm mm that's another level not okay..." Artie said with a high amount of sass while shaking his pointer finger to emphasize the 'not okay'.

"I'm not exactly comfortable with Blaine in the room. Clearly once a Warbler, always a Warbler." Puck stated while Quinn rolled her eyes. Blaine looked caught off guard before trying to ask to repeat what he had said again.

"Uh wh-wha-"

"Dude! You told them what we were going to do. You're like a modern day Eggs Benedict. He's on notice as far as I'm concerned." Puck said as if it were obvious. Finn cut in before he could say anything else.

"We should all be on notice. I mean, next to Vocal Adrenaline, Warblers are the best glee club in the state, and for a lot of us this is our last shot at a championship. So we should stop complaining about the Warblers and figure out how to beat them." Finn says while looking around the room.

What he said hit my heart. This was my last year before I'm off to whatever I'm going to do once high schools out. I sent in my college application to John Hopkins University. I really want to go there. I'm trying to be a marine biologist when I'm older. Before I could start thinking about my future, Mr.Shue luckily came into the room, pumped up by Finn's words.

" I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn. I'm less worried about our set list right now and more interested in getting us in the right mindset to crush those guys. Which is why our lesson for the week is..." Mr.Shue said with such energy in his voice as he made his way to the board. He scribbled down WWMJD on the board.

"What Would Michael Jackson Do?" He said before turing his attention back to the class.

"He'd fight back. He'd say regionals is ours. MJ is ours. And if they want it, they can pry it from our sequin gloved hand.."

"Mm-hmm straight up. In 1983, MTV said they wouldn't air his 'Billie Jean' video. What did he do? He fought back. They aired it and the Thriller album sold an additional ten million copies." Artie said proudly. You learn something new everyday. Mr.Shue agreed with Artie as Blaine spoke up.

"I know what Michael would do. I think he would take it to the streets."

The smell of the damp mall parking lot filled the air. It made the scenario much more better. The whole glee club and myself were standing behind walls in the mall parking lot waiting for the cue from Santana at 9:57 pm. Apparently, when Santana snapped her fingers, we make our presence clear and take off our hoods.


It was time...

We walked towards the Warblers, but stood side by side with Blaine and Santana. Then it started. The sing-off. The singing of Bad by the one and only Michael Jackson filled the air as we the Warblers started off the beat by vocals.

Throughout the song, it was my duty to sing and push around Artie. I noticed something peculiar in the corner of my eye. A couple of Dalton students were passing around a brown paper bag. Before I could react, a Bug Quench cup is pulled out from the bag which is full of slushy. It all happened in slow motion.

"HEY!!" I called out, interrupting the song. Sebastian threw the plastic cup full of red slushy at Blaine.

"AAARRRGGHH!!" Blaine cried out in agony. He covered his right eye while Kurt came to his side quickly. Everyone was in complete shock. Before Santana could go "Lima Heights" on them, the Warblers deserted the parking lot.

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