Chapter 17

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A/N lets get back to this alright? I do not own Glee
"And that's why Dallas Winston is ten times more better than Ponyboy." I say while cuddling into my boyfriend of five months, Sebastian Smythe. A light chuckle is heard as his hand grasps mine.

"Sure thing. Hey...You know, my parents think you perfect for me?" He says while flicking off an ant ofhis forearm. I close my eyes while breathing in the crisp winter air.

"Oh really now? Even if I did accidentally dropped chicken tacos on your father when I first met your folks?" I ask as the memories invades my thoughts like those TV emergency practices interrupting you program.

Four Months Previous
We walked up hand in hand to the front door of his beautiful two story house. My stomach felt like a hundred of bees were storming around. I looked up at Sebastian and have him a cocky face as he gives me a warm comforting smile. The door opens to reveal a middle aged woman with dirty blond loose locks. She looks so happy to see us apparently.

"Oh hello my little Sebastian. And his girlfriend. Oh my, your even prettier than how he described you." She says as Sebastian rolls his eyes and walked in. A laugh almost escaped my lips as I give Mrs.Smythe a hug.

"So, I hope you like chicken tacos because that's what tonight's meal is." I hear a deep voice announce behind me. I turn around to see an older and heavier set version of Sebastian.

"You must be Aria. Pleasure to meet the lady who has stole my sons heart." He says as his large hand engulfs mine in a polite yet a tad painful hand shake. I nod as Sebastian gently guides me to the kitchen as his sweaty hand is on my back. The house was beautiful.

"Dinner is served.." Mrs.Smythe exclaimed as I took a seat next to Sebastian. As we began to dig in, my period cravings kicked in and did actually go full Danny ReLusso on that chicken taco. It was really good. I reached in to get my napkin and wipe a bit of taco crumbs off my face but my napkin was underneath the plate of chicken tacos. I slyly grabbed my napkin and gave it a tug. As if it all happened in slow motion, the plate of tacos tilted and fell all over Sebastian's dads lap. The heat on my face was unbearable from my embarrassment which actually got worse as I stuttered out pathetic apologies and awkwardly tried to wipe up the spill..... which was on his crotch!!!

"It's not your fault Aria no need for apologies." Mr.Smythe said as I automatically shut up. My eyes glance at Mrs.Smythe and give her the most sincere smile.

"It was really good. Honestly I jus-"

"It's alright sweetheart. My dear Sebastian is very clumsy. It seems he's found his match. Now.., what pizza should we order?"
Sebastian laughs at the memory as if t was the best day of his life.

"Oh god... Now that was amazing." He says while taking my hand in his. The grass were laying on starts to get me all itchy so I slowly stand up.

"So um Aria?" Sebastian asks as he stands up as well. His lean figure overshadows my short figure. I hum in response.

"So... How long are you going to be in New York?" He asks with the big green puppy eyes. To think, I thought this guy was the biggest douche ever.

"I'm going for four days. It's nationals babe...." I answer as he nods. Nationals is in a week. I need to check up on the dresses were wearing. Speaking of dresses, I need one for... for.. for prom. One of the most important milestones in my life. Yeah right.

"So umm I have a question for you now." I say while fiddling with my thumbs. He looks concerned.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked as his eyes give a tiny show of tears forming. I quickly shake my head.

"N-N-No.. I was going to say, umm. How do I form this? Would you like to go to proooooom with... Meeeee?" I ask while clutching my eyes shut, afraid of his reaction. Why should I be afraid. We've been dating for nearly five months.

"I would love to. But what would the others think?" He asked with a stressful sigh. What the others think? Why should I get their approval on who I should take to prom? Although they are like me second family... But still!

"The others won't think nothing about it."

"And whys that?"

"Because it's a masquerade party."

"Well then I can't wait to accompany you to this masquerade prom my love." Sebastian says while awkwardly kissing hand. As he bends down, my little brother Hunter "accidentally" shoots his Bebe gun at him.

"Ooowwww!!!" Sebastian cries out. I bend down to his level.

"Are you okay?!" I ask frantically. In the background, I hear Ben, Frank , and Hunter snicker.

"You idiots!! You nearly hurt my prom date!" I yell at them as my foot digs into this weird thing on the concrete.

"Did I hear prom date?" My mom asks peeking her head in the scene. I groan.

"Uh Aria? You on my leg. And it really hurts." Sebastian mumbles as I quickly get off him.

"So... What was it about prom again?" My mom asks with a huge grin.

(Sorry it's sucky. I'm still trying to get back in the rhythm.)

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