Chapter 24

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Just to get back into a vibe


Months passed. Five months to be exact.

Sebastian never saw Aria that night.

He left the town a week later for a four month military camp. He straightened up big time. No more drugs, a buzzcut, and was he buff from all those strict hardcore workouts. When he returned home, his mother and father were pleased to see him in such a better state.

Aria on the other hand, she went through a tough 5 months. She was drugged up with multiple prescribed medicines after waking up three months after the accident. Then she was finally released after a few days since she woke. Except, she left in a wheelchair. A wheelchair that she was going to need for quite some time, obviously. Her arrival at school was a special day for those in the glee club, yet not for her. She received weird and judgmental glances from her peers and when she rolled down a hallway, you could definitely expect some whispers here in there about her.

Besides those two, time for the news you all waited to hear, Blaine is planning on proposing to Kurt! That was very anti climatic, but here's where things get intriguing......

Blaine's thumb hovered over the call button. With a deep breath, he pressed call. After a good four rings, Sebastian finally answered.

"Long time no contact, Sebastian." Blaine said with a nervous chuckle.

"It has been. What's going on?" Sebastian asked while scratching his scruff that has been growing since he left military camp.

"Well, lets cut straight to the chase, I'm planning on proposing to Kurt." Blaine sputtered out as the other line went silent. Hearing the name Kurt was left Sebastian with a rush of memories that he tried so hard to forget.

"And how exactly do I come into this?" Sebastian asked with a light scoff.

"Well, I'm having this big proposal with cupcakes, and music, and all our friends. It's like a Broadway vibe I want to send." Blaine explained as Sebastian nodded his head, even though Blaine couldn't see.

"Well, uh, count me in I guess. Can't wait. Gotta go so text me the details. Later!" Sebastian said with a smile that Blaine couldn't see and hung up.

Blaine went back to his contacts list a called another good friend.

"Hello?" she asked in a tired voice.

"Hey Aria. So just for a final head count and all, you are helping with the proposal right?" Blaine asked with a devious smirk.

Aria sighed and said, " Of course I'll help."

"Thanks again Aria. I could imagine how hard it is for you to be rolling around everywhere-"

"Please," Aria said cutting him off, "if Artie can do it, then so can I! The only problem is how am I going to reach the counters to make cupcakes? Ahaha kidding, kidding. Listen though, I have to go so I'll see you soon. Byee." Aria said as she hung up without giving Blaine a chance to say his goodbyes.

Blaine quickly went to send Sebastian a text of the details for the upcoming weekend.

Blaine: Saturday at Dalton. Be there by 10:00 to make cupcakes. The whole proposing will be around 7:00 after I spend a day with Kurt doing his and our favorite things.

Cupcake making is sure going to get a whole lot interesting.

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