Chapter 1🌼

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Author's pov:

A young man was sitting in his office checking the pile of files about complains which are increasing each day rapidly....he was furious and angry....while 2 other man was observing his every action and praying for the outcome... they know how much the other one is angry...and as they predict the man burst in anger....

and as they predict the man burst in anger

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???:"mingyu eunwoo what's all this...why the complains are increasing day by day??? Why no one is doingg anything about it...why didn't anyone catch the culprit yet you guys want the forest to get empty tell guys want that other animals go extinct as well??..."he yelled loudly his face was red in anger jaw clenched hardly his fist was balled veins popping out...

Mingyu:"kook the team is finding the culprit but they just get vanished in thin air after doing their deeds and they didnt even left any clue behind for us to find them afterwards...they seems so experienced in it...."he said calmly and kook scoffed....

Kook:"if they are experienced than what are we?? Are we fools who dont know their work??? Are we that dumb that we can't able to catch those fvckers till now and they are murdering the innocent animals openly and here we are just talking about them and doing nothing because the have experience and we are dumb huh answer me..."he shouted his eyes red in anger...making both of them flinched...

Eunwoo:"calm down kook...he didnt mean it like that....i think we three should go and checked by ourselves instead of sending the other officers there...we got a new complain so we should go there to check on our own..."he said and mingyu nodded...

Kook:"okay then we will go and check the recent murdered location....and i will find them whoever done this and will kill that ba$tard for sure once i get my hands on him...its enough now i can't let him kill more animals...."he said burning in anger....


So lemme tell you what's going on there...

So lemme tell you what's going on there

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Jeon Jungkook....

CEO of Land Acquisition....he love animals and nature with all his heart why?? because. ...when he was a kid he had a bunny who he loved so much....he took that bunny from a lonely street one day when he was coming back from school....

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