Chapter 12🌼

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????:"taetae ish bwaby prwincess ...why taetae hwlp chu finfwing taetae??? Chu dumb??? Taetae dwidnt hide anywhele.....taetae ish the bwig tiggy whish was outswide...i becowme bwig to safw daddy fome the bwad hooman who came to twake taetae wive him dumb dwdddy...."he said clearly upset with kook and again slapped kook's face being angry with him who seems like his brain stopped working suddenly....

The boy again huffed seeing kook's face who didnt budge from his place making him more he stand up from his lap walking towards the couch and layed down being all upset with his daddy curling into a smol ball and started crying being hurt when kook still didnt followed him.....

Meanwhile kook who was sitting on the floor in shocked state and was in disbelief processing what had happened with him just now and what he just heard but he wasnt shocked by what he heard from the boy...infact he was more concerned about what that boy just did to him.......

Kook:"d-did i g-got slapped by the gorgeous boy a-as well??? Am i born just to be slapped on my handsome face?? Does my handsome face deserves such treatment??? Isnt it unjustice to my charming face?? Why everyone is obsessed with slapping my face...

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Kook:"d-did i g-got slapped by the gorgeous boy a-as well??? Am i born just to be slapped on my handsome face?? Does my handsome face deserves such treatment??? Isnt it unjustice to my charming face?? Why everyone is obsessed with slapping my face??? First my baby and now this gorgeous boy too?......But wait!!!! This isnt the concercing part here right..?? Indeed it isnt the concercing thing right now.....I will do justice to my face later but right now.....*inhale deeply* WHAT THE HECK THAT GORGEOUS BOY JUST SAID TO ME??????? H-HE'S MY BABY PRINCESS????? the-." he thought stunned.....his blood run colds....he couldn't able to believe what he have just heard....did he heard it right??? Or he got hearing problems as well???

Kook:"no no no i have clearly heard it right....he said 'he's baby princess and why would he help me finding himself' and that I'm dumb which is true in some ways but its not the right time to think about it i have more things to he's my baby??? My baby s-snowball whom i was going t-to marry in future?..m-my cutie patootie.."he cried in his mind thinking about his adorable baby whom he love dearly...but he cant just ignore the fact that he saw a tiger turning into a human who's claiming himself as his baby princess and is in his home right now....its just so messed up.....

its just so messed up

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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