[9]: Maybe...

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Kieran POV:

After breakfast, Niall reluctantly (by reluctantly, I meant I had to force him to agree) let me help him clean up. I had finished clearing the table for him and wandered into the living room where Isaiah had fallen asleep again. Bailey sat bored, swinging her legs off the side of the couch and Sergio sat next to her, with his knees pulled to his chest, staring at his coloring book. Cris sat, half awake, on the love seat.

It was a pretty lazy morning consisting of sitting around and occasionally talking or checking our phones for messages. Thank God it was only Saturday.

The laziness continued until Niall finally came into the room, grabbing Bailey, who screeched in surprise and laughed. She twisted away from him, running to the other side of the room. Niall gave chase, stopping before he could hit the wall and chased after the little girl who was trying to hide behind me. I stood as still as possible, getting pulled around as Niall grabbed my arm as a support as he ran past. I did not want to be knocked over and trampled at the moment, so I just stayed still.

Bailey finally decided that she should try her luck running behind the couch. Before Niall chased after her once again, he huffed and wiped sweat off his forehead and pulled his hoodie off.

Niall grinned at me, putting a finger to his lips to say 'be quiet' and then he was running in Bailey's direction, surprisingly silently. I heard a surprised screech from Bailey's room, and her footsteps were thundering down the hallway as she ran back towards the living room. Niall caught her and they stopped as Niall held Bailey hostage as she squirmed, trying to get away. Niall was laughing at her futile attempts.

She rolled to the side, rolling away from him and took off running. He gave chase once again and I heard them thundering up the stairs where more laughing and screaming could be heard before Bailey came back down the stairs. Behind her was Niall, who was close behind her. He gripped the corner and dashed around after the little girl. I watched him vault over the back of the couch catching her, and landing on it next to Isaiah with her once again. She giggled and hugged him. He smiled, breathing heavily and hugged her back. He wiped sweat from his forehead. Sergio joined the hug and in the act, accidentally kicked Isaiah.

"Your dance classes are paying off, Bails," he said between breaths. "Holy fuck, you're getting faster."

"You're just getting slower!" She laughed, letting go of him. Her face contorted and she wiped her hands. "Ew! You're sweaty!" she hopped off his lap and ran into their room down the hallway.

"Can I sleep, please?" Isaiah grunted.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Go to my room. It's a mess, but it's quiet."

Isaiah grunted a thanks and left. Cris was still half asleep. How? I had no idea. It was mid afternoon.

"Damn, that girl is active," Niall said with his eyes closed, spread out on the couch with Sergio sitting on his stomach, coloring in his book. "I'm surprised I'm already tired."

"You are?" I asked, sitting next to him. "I just watched you and the little girl run around non-stop for like ten minutes straight."

Niall kept his eyes closed, but shrugged, "That's normal in the morning on the weekends, she's definitely getting faster. I might not be able to do that much longer."

He was breathing heavily, closing his eyes and putting a hand against the side of his head. I was enjoying the time we were spending together way too much, way more than I'd enjoy like Alex or Coby's company. Yet it was strange he was alright with us staying over night before he knew us well enough. Though, I realized, we were friends now. I guess that made things a little less awkward, and his siblings liked us.

Wait, what was I thinking? I'd never had those thoughts before.

I returned my eyes to his face, seeing they were open and watching me. His eyes were really pretty, I had to admit, they were a beautiful green. I smiled at him.

Sergio jumped off Niall, who sat up so he was eye level with me.

He leaned close to my ear. "You want to know something?" he asked, whispering so Cris couldn't hear. His breath against my ear made me shiver.

I tilted my head to look at him. "What?" I replied. I could see his grin falter for a split second before it returned.

He wiped his sweaty forehead on my shoulder. "Enjoy my sweat," he said, standing up and walking away. I made a face and wiped it off.

"That's just gross," I called after him, he laughed and turned into the kitchen. I sighed and left to go see what Bailey was up to.

Lee was sitting on her bed, drawing on the project she, Sergio, Cris, Isaiah and I were "working" on. Though I had no artistic talent whatsoever, I basically watched. I sat next to her, looking at it. She was talented in art and dance. That was a great combination, and clearly she loved both.

Cris knocked, peering in. He grinned evilly at me, knowing very well I saw it, and wiping it away when he sat on the other side of Bailey. We spent that time of silence watching her.

She finally paused after almost twenty minutes. "I'm hungry."

"Me too, Bails," Cris replied. "Let's go see what's in the fridge."

I nodded, following him. Bailey stayed back in her room.

"He's sleeping," Cris said, not looking up, but knowing I'd know he was talking about Niall. "He needed it. He was up most of the night. I heard him get up every so often to take pain medications."

I nodded as he pulled out leftover spaghetti from dinner. He leant on the counter, watching me.

"So, let's be honest with each other here, I'm sure you seeing him shirtless is the worst type of torture. Him seeing you shirtless, well, let's just say that's a recipe for disaster," He started. I raised an eyebrow at him, asking him his point. "You guys openly flirt, for fuck's sake. When you guys were staring at each other, I almost yelled 'just kiss already,' but you're damn lucky I didn't. It's so frustrating when you look at each other with bedroom eyes and flirt, then you don't even realize it."

I sighed. "I literally came to the conclusion this morning, Cris. I can't just ask him out on a whim and expect him to answer yes, we barely know each other. It's fine just being his friend," I replied. "If I needed help, I would have asked you."

He tapped his fingers on the counter defiantly, shoving the container in the microwave. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"Cris, just chill," I said quietly. "I'll deal with it myself."

"Chill?! I—" He groaned, rubbing his face. "You both are just so—ugh! You're so annoying!"

I rolled my eyes. "Then let me be annoying, it's just not that easy."

"That's just it! It is that easy!" he said exasperated. "Alright, alright. Fine, you can ask him out whenever you want—don't you fucking dare say anything against that, I can see through you. When you do, be prepared for the 'see what I fucking told you' talk from me."


"No and's, if's, or but's about it. It. Will. Happen," he glared at me. I decided I'd just shut up now. He pulled the heated up spaghetti out of the microwave and got Bailey to the table.

Maybe Cris was right, but again, I only came to the conclusion this morning. It wasn't going to happen overnight. Maybe I was being an idiot thinking about it too much, or maybe, I'll just enjoy our friendship for now. This is the first time I've connected with and liked someone for real, so he had to cut me some slack.

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