XVIII: Hawaii Pt.5

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Y/n woke up from someone shaking her, she let out a small groan in retaliation, she was still tired and wanted to sleep a bit more.

"Yah! Y/n wake up!" Someone slaps Y/n's back.

Y/n instantly jolts awake from the pain. "What the fuck-"

"Language miss," Jihyo warns Y/n, her hands on her hip.

Y/n looks up and sees Jihyo standing next to her, blocking the setting sun that was behind her. The girls already cleaned and packed most of the things up except for the blanket that Y/n was lying on. Y/n was covered in sand and felt icky but also tired as hell, all she wanted to do was to go back to sleep again.

"Y/n come on, it's getting cold," Chaeyoung whines.

"Fine, fine." Y/n mumbles sitting up and letting out a loud yawn.

The group heads back to the villa. Y/n helps Jihyo take out everything from the car and organize their belongings as everyone else goes to take a bath. Once the two finished Y/n headed towards her bedroom to wait for Mina to finish washing so she could clean herself up too.

Y/n's phone suddenly rings in her pocket. She steps out to the balcony to answer.


"Y/n!" Bambam says from the other side.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to call you, how's your vacation?"

"It's pretty fun, we just returned from the beach," Y/n tells him. She hears Mina coming out of the bathroom in the background.

"I might go over to see you!" Bambam beams.

"Oh shit- Really?!"

"Yup! I'll be there by tomorrow night, want to meet at a bar or something?" Bambam asked her. "I can invite my friends that I've told you about and you can finally meet them."

"Alright, just tell me when you arrive and I'll be there in a flash."

"Great! It's settled then,"

"I'll text you later okay? I have to go now." Y/n tells him.

"Okay, see ya soon!"

Y/n tucks her phone into her pocket and turns around to see Mina in her robe, sitting on the side of the bed while drying her hair with a towel. Y/n walks back into the room and closes the balcony window behind her. Y/n's eyes scan Mina from head to toe, her freshly showered image is slowly being imprinted into her mind, she takes notes of the smallest things, from the droplet of water running down Mina's neck to the way Mina loosely tied her robe, showing a small bit of her cleavage.

"Who were you talking to?" Mina asked Y/n, snapping the girl out of her trance.

"Just an old friend, they're visiting tomorrow night so I'll be gone for a bit," Y/n answers her without skipping a beat.

"My friend is coming tomorrow night too," Mina tells her.

"Oh, a coincidence," Y/n says. "I think that'll be fine, we can just have everyone relax and do whatever they want tomorrow."

"I'll go shower now. I think the others are done showering so you can go downstairs with them. Jihyo is cooking dinner for us too."

"Alright," Mina puts her towel to the side and walks out the door, but suddenly stops and looks back at Y/n. "Wash up quickly,"

"Yes ma'am" Y/n playfully salutes to Mina



Y/n steps downstairs, freshly out of the shower and in a new set of clothes. She wore a black hoodie and sweats, her damp hair was swept back and away from her face, and she looked much more refreshed than before.

She sees everyone sitting around the living room with a plate of food in their hands, but Y/n's eyes focus on Mina sitting on the corner of the couch, wearing a matching set of white silk pjs. Y/n's eyes traveled down to Mina's slim and pale legs, those short shorts weren't doing much to protect Mina from curious eyes and Y/n couldn't help but get a peek out of curiosity.

Y/n grabs her plate of food, heads to the living room where everyone is, and squishes between Chaeyoung and Tzuyu on the floor. They all ate silently while watching a kdrama on the TV and everyone seemed invested, which was surprising to Y/n since they were always so loud and distracted.

Nayeon was the first to retreat to her room after she finished eating, then Jeongyeon followed suit and Momo afterward. Soon almost everyone had gone back to their rooms, leaving Jihyo, Tzuyu, Mina, and Y/n in the living room.

"Y/n, come help me wash the plates, Tzuyu and Mina help wipe the coffee table down," Jihyo orders them as she hurries the stack of dirty plates to the sink. Y/n follows Jihyo to the kitchen while Mina and Tzuyu grab some rags from the kitchen to clean the table off.

"Say Y/n," Jihyo says after seeing Mina and Tzuyu walk away to the living room. "What's with the tension between you and Mina these days?"

Y/n, caught off guard by the question, drops one of the plates she was drying off.

"Y/n!" Jihyo looked as surprised, or maybe even more, than Y/n. "Be careful," Jihyo chides, getting a bandaid out from the drawer and putting it over the cut on Y/n's hand.

"What the heck, you are always out surprising me," Y/n mutters, looking down at her hand that was now bandaged up.

"Tension? What tension?" Y/n asked cluelessly.

Jihyo gives her a small shrug. "I'm just stating what I'm seeing. If you ask the other girls I'm sure they'll say the same thing."

"There is no tension whatsoever," Y/n says defensively, seemingly more focused on cleaning the plates than before. "I think you're all delusional. We're just friends and that's it."

"Whatever you say, buddy... But if you guys do have something going on in the future you better write me a check with at least 5 zeros in it." Jihyo gives her a playful wink and bumps shoulders with the latter.

Y/n rolls her eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

The two finish washing the plates and Y/n heads to the living room to see if Tzuyu and Mina are done with cleaning, but she couldn't find them so she suspected that they must've already finished a while back.

Y/n walks up the staircase and into her shared bedroom. Mina was already in bed, reading some book that Y/n didn't recognize.

"I'm back,"

Mina looks up from her book, her eyes traveling across Y/n's body.

"I heard a loud noise in the kitchen," Mina tells Y/n, her eyes on Y/n's wounded hand

"Oh," Y/n unconsciously held her bandaged hand up, "I accidentally dropped a plate while cleaning them. Don't worry, the cut was not deep."

"Mmm, take care of yourself," Mina says in an almost soft whispering tone. "I'm going to sleep, it's getting late." Mina places a bookmark into her book and places it next to her on the nightstand.

Y/n could only give her a small nod, her mind still processing what Mina had said to her. She couldn't help but smile a little.

(A/N: Merry Christmas to those who are already celebrating today and Merry Christmas Eve to those who are celebrating tomorrow ! I'm on a break right now so I'm trying to pick up my rusty writing skills again. I'm also trying to learn some Korean but let's see how that goes, as far as I know, I'm not a very committed person and it's hard for me to stay focused on one thing, but hopefully, I can learn a thing or two. I'll try to start working on the next chapter but the update time is yet to be determined !) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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