XIII: Vacay Invitation

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Mina and Y/n arrived at a well-off looking restaurant. It wasn't as luxurious as the usual restaurants Y/n would go to, but it was a place where she'd love to spend time if she just wanted to feel some sense of nostalgia.

"This is a ramen restaurant that me and my high school buddies would go to back in the day. I promise you it serves the world's best ramens." Y/n promises Mina as she drags her along.

"Yah! Y/n! It's been so long!" The owner of the restaurant comes over and gives Y/n a big hug.

"I miss you too ajumma," Y/n lets Mina's hands go to hug the owner.

The owner parts and looks behind Y/n, eyes widening in surprise. "Is that your girlfriend?! Why haven't you told me that you've got a girlfriend?!"

Both Y/n and Mina blushes, looking like ripe tomatoes. "Ani! She's a friend!"


"Yes!" Y/n said, as if pleading. "This is Myoui Mina, Mina this is Ms. Jung, the owner of this wonderful restaurant."

"Omo, you're Myoui Mina? You look even prettier up close!" Ms. Jung pushes Y/n aside like nothing and hurries over Mina, her eyes scanning Mina up and down.

"T- thank you ma'am," Mina bows, slightly flustered by the sudden action.

"Come on now, you're a friend of Y/n's. Call me ajumma." Ms. Jung says. "Now, what would you both like to eat?"

"The usual please," Y/n replies with a smile. She had come here long enough that Ms. Jung knew what she would like to eat every time.

"Right away," Ms. Jung heads towards the kitchen to start cooking.

Y/n watches as Mina observes the place. It was nothing special, just a small old restaurant that sells some great food.

"So, I've been thinking of something," Mina starts off, letting out a small sigh. "I'll be going on a vacation... and well, I was hoping that you'd join me."

"A vacation?"

"Yes, next week. We're going to Hawaii, you're free to bring your friends too. The trip will be a week long" Mina answers.

Y/n didn't have anything special next week, just a few reports that she was sure she'd catch up to no in no time.

"Alright," Y/n replies. "But I'll promise you that my friends are going to be very loud and obnoxious."

"I'll say the same for mine," Mina smiles.

They continued to chat until the food arrived. Mina's eyes widened at the smell of the delicious ramen in the small golden pot.

"Enjoy your meal you two." Ms. Jung gives them both a pat on the back before heading back to the back.

Y/n took her wooden chopsticks and started eating, the sense of nostalgia instantly hit her. Only Ms. Jung could make something this great. She enjoyed her food, not minding anything or anyone else.

Mina watched Y/n, smiling warmly at how cute the younger one was. She couldn't help but secretly take a few pictures while Y/n was distracted by the food in-front of her. I'll have to save these.

After they finished their food, they bid Ms. Jung good-bye and headed back home.

Y/n had to reoccupy her mind on what she should prepare on her trip to Hawaii. The trip was going to be a week long so she needed to prepare some extra sets of clothes. And she also needed to ask her friends if they wanted to come too.

Taking out her phone from her pockets, she pondered on who she wanted to invite. Maybe they all could come... but won't that be too many people?

"Hey Mina,"

"Yea?" Mina glances over, her hands on the steering wheel.

"How many people can I invite?" Y/n asked.

"Well, there isn't a specific number of people, you can just bring your close friends." Mina replies.

"Alright, thanks." Y/n decided to invite her closest friends: Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung. Since it was harder to tell them each individually, she made an announcement in their group chat.

And of course Nayeon responded first, she agreed, which was predictable, she wouldn't lose a chance to get free tickets to Hawaii. Jihyo and Dahyun had asked a few questions but Y/n was sure they'd agree even without the questions. Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon were the ones to answer last with a simple "okay".

Y/n made sure to tell them the date of the trip, making sure that they'll be free the whole next week. By the time she finished chatting with her friends in the group chat, Mina had already pulled the car into the driveway.

"I'll go ahead and take a shower and rest, you should too since it's getting quite late." Mina says while heading inside. She places the car keys in the bowl on top of the shoe shelf and walks up the staircase.

Y/n nodded, "Goodnight."


They both headed into their respective rooms, to clean up and rest.

(A/N: My lazy ass didn't beta read this so I'm sorry for any mistakes. I'm also starting to procrastinate which is very bad, but I'll try to put out chapters and push through this stupid writers block.) 

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