*Bonus* Christmas

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POV: America

Ahhhh Christmas... The one time of year where my kids don't try to kill each other and for once get along.

All the states gather around a Christmas tree and pass gifts and play games.

I remember the fist Christmas we ever had with all 50 states. It was magical!


POV: Third person

America had just got Hawaii up from his nap. Hawaii is one of the calmest babies America ever did birth.

While America was taking care of his newest state; other things were happening downstairs.

"Ok uncle Dixie is in the basement. Let's get prepared." California said as the states gathered in the living room.

"We'll need to be fast so mom doesn't realize what we're doing." Delaware said. "We'll split into groups: West your on gift wrapping, South your on food, Midwest your on cleaning, and Northeast we're on Dixie watch."

"Got it!" 49 states say all at once then disperse.


America got a weird feeling that he should go downstairs. Honestly he wants to stay in his rocking chair holding Hawaii. He feels selfish... he hasn't be able to do a lot around the house this past month because of the baby... The house is barely even ready for Christmas with his kids. So he's just gonna stay in his rocking chair making sure Hawai'i is ok and quiet.

~a good few hours later downstairs~

The south just finished in the kitchen.

It's time to let Dixie out.

~ in the basement ~

POV: Deliware

"Hello hello over"

A voice sounded on the walkie talkie.

"Deliware speaking over"

"You can release the uncle now"

"You heard him! Release Dixie!" I scream out to my fellow northern siblings.

When we releases Uncle Dixs... he wasn't to happy.

Yelling and screaming at us for locking him down here.

Then we told him why.

"We just wanted to help mama with Christmas. We know he's been busy and has probably been stressed for who knows how long!" New York stated.

"Yeah and with WWll ending you know he's been off this whole year!" New Hampshirite said.

"Well... you are right" Dixie said "I'll let you off this time."

~end of flashback~

POV: America

I cried so much when they showed me what they did! Truly thankful for what they did. I just wish the other nations knew how wonderful my children are. Hawaii is still a baby unfortunately. I'll tell them when she turns 13.

I live yay!!!! More story will be coming soon. I have lots planned.

Word count:246

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