Alaska's reaction

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P.O.V Alaska:

I hate English.

That's right I said it!

Uncle Confetti is mad. When he got home he was shouting in one of the ancient languages of southern Native Americas. I can't understand a word of it! All I know is that he's mad at the trouble trio for the fireworks thing. I thought it was funny! But oh well...

~some time later~
Texas is hurt... mama will be upset... I hate it when mama is upset.

~more time~

I heard from one of my siblings that Mama is home!

Apparently he bought a ...friend? I think... my siblings keep on debating whether it's a friend or a lover. I will remand open minded. Though I don't think uncle Confetti will like it if this person is a possible lover.

I hope they know Russian...

P.O.V Russia:

America is so very cute... I don't think my own father ever showed this much affection nor worry for his own children. I find it endearing. His smile is so very soft as he holds his son. Texas? I think it was.

Conferterate just returned with a bowl of some red fruit. I have no clue what it is but Texas lit up when he saw it.

The warmth on my hand still lingers from the touch I gave earlier. I believe it helped calm him down a bit. I at the very least hope so.

"Hey ma' can I go see what Cali is up to?" Texas asked.

I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that America has children. It's shocking to say the least. I wonder who Cali is...

"Do you just want to see them to antagonize him?" America asks with accusation. "Or are you gonna be good and just want cuddles from her?"

Cuddles? Why would he want cuddles from a sibling? I was taught that such things were childish and weak to want from a sibling? I was much younger than him when I was told this.

America is very confusing. A bit concerning actually. Does he want his children to be weak? What kind of parent wishes that?!

"A bit of both actually" Texas replies.

"Well than be my guest" America says. Letting Texas go with his strange red fruit.

"I have a question" I look towards America.

"Yes?" America asks.

"Why do you wish your children to be weak?" I ask sternly.

"What?" America looks flabbergasted. "I don't think I understand the question."

"My father told me that cuddling makes a person weak." I say matter a factly. "And here you are letting your children be weakened."

"Russia have you ever actually cuddled anyone before?" America asks.

"No?" I said. "I'm not weak I was raised better than that."

"Do you want to try cuddling?" He asks in an innocent voice. "So you can judge for yourself how weak it is."

"No." I say sternly. "I don't need to try it because I was told that it was weak and I don't need to question what makes someone weak."

"And when was the last time your father was right about something?" America asks.

"Ok... I'll try it." I say hesitantly. "Just this once to prove my point.

~time skip brought to you by Texas's disappearance act~

I was not expecting this to be honest. I got led to America's big ass room into his big ass bed to try out cuddling.

He said that we needed more comfortable clothes if we were gonna do this. He went into his closet changed an oversized hoodie that had holes cut into the back for his wings and the smallest shorts I've ever seen a man wear. Came out of said closet said that he had 2 things that could fit me and I could choose what I wore. I ended up just wearing the sweatpants since that was what I normally wore to bed.

And now?

I think I might be in heaven. His head is on my stomach torso between my legs. I understand why he has such a big bed now that his wings are stretched completely out. He fell asleep about 3 minutes ago. I've just been running my hand over his wings and through his hair.

(AN: I had to use my sister to describe this scene correctly because for whatever reason my brain wasn't working properly. She said that I better credit her after I pulled her away from bluey then almost killed her.)

My dad was wrong about cuddling being weak. Especially when it came to America's cuddles. I've never felt such bliss before.

I think I fell deeper in love with this man.

If only he loved me too...

That is my last thought as I slip into the realm of dreams.

P.O.V ????

"Did you get him?"

"I got him."

"Now we just need the other one."

"Mama will never know thanks to that Russian friend of his~~~"

Evil laughter sounds through the concrete room.

Author's note: Hi guys! I'm not dead! And I decided to treat you to a longer chapter this go around! I promise that everything will make sense and be cleared up soon. Summer is finally here and I have a few other stories I'm gonna be posting! One of them is another countryhuman thing and is my ACTUAL world for my characters! Anyway hope you enjoy! See you next time my cheeselings!

-Love Cheese

900 words

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