8.dancing in the rain🌧

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No one's Pov

It was a lazy afternoon in their big house, and Charlie and Babe were lounging around, enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the sound of raindrops hitting the roof filled the air. Charlie's face lit up with excitement as he jumped up and rushed to the window. "Babe, come on, let's go outside! I love the rain!" he exclaimed, extending a hand to him.

Babe hesitated for a moment, looking at the pouring rain with uncertainty. But the sparkle in Charlie's eyes was too infectious to resist. With a wry smile, he took his hand and let him lead him out into the downpour. They stood in the middle of the rain, letting it soak them through, laughing and spinning in circles like carefree children.

As they danced, Charlie took every opportunity to steal a kiss from Babe, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Babe pretended to protest, but he couldn't hide the smile on he's face, feeling his heart swell with joy. The sensation of raindrops on their skin, the smell of wet earth, and the sound of their laughter filled the air, creating a magical moment.

Eventually, Charlie pulled him into a long, tender kiss, feeling the warmth of his lips against his. When they finally pulled away, Babe looked into Charlie's eyes and said, "I love you."

Charlie's heart skipped a beat, feeling a rush of emotions overwhelming him. He took his hands and looked deeply into he's eyes. "I love you too," he whispered, feeling his heart swell with love and adoration. They held each other close, feeling the rain wash away their worries and fears, leaving only the love they had for each other.

In that moment, they knew that their love was as strong as the storm around them. They danced in the rain together, completely lost in the moment, knowing that they were each other's warmth and shelter in any storm. Their love would weather any tempest, and they were more than content being with each other in the pouring rain, feeling the world and each other's hearts.

The end....

The idea of this short one suddenly pop out on my mind and I immediately wanted to write it so yeahh it's short but hope you liked it:)

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