21.With friends😜

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No one's Pov

Charlie had always been a possessive guy, especially when it came to his boyfriend, Pit Babe. Their friends, Alan, Jeff, and Pete and Way knew this all too well. They had witnessed Charlie's jealousy and possessiveness many times, but they had learned to accept it as a part of his personality.

One day, Alan, Jeff, and Pete,Way decided to pay a surprise visit to Charlie and Pit Babe's house. As they entered the house, they were shocked to find Charlie and Pit Babe stealing kisses and hugging each other in the living room. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Jeff teased, nudging Alan and Pete,way.

Both Alan and way rolled there eyes, "Looks like we walked in on a private moment, huh?" while looking at Charlie and Babe.

Charlie's possessive instincts kicked in, and he shot a glare at his friends, "Guys, since when do you just barge into someone's house without knocking?"

Pit Babe tried to diffuse the situation with a smile, "Come on, Charlie, they're just teasing. They mean no harm."

But the tension in the room was palpable, as Alan, Jeff, and Pete,way tried to act normal, feeling like intruders in their own friend's house. "Well, we'll be on our way then," Jeff said awkwardly, as they left the room.

As the friends left, they couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Charlie and Pit Babe. "That was bizarre," Pete muttered as they walked away from the house.

"I know, right?" Way agreed, "What was with Charlie and Pit Babe's weird behavior? They usually love hanging out with us."

A few days later, Alan, Jeff, and Pete,way ran into Charlie and Pit Babe at a local restaurant. "Hey, guys, so it turns out, we were interrupting their date night the other day," Jeff and Way chuckled, "Who has a date night at their own house?"

Pit Babe laughed, "Well, we just wanted some alone time, you know?"

Alan smirked, "So, next time, you could just tell us instead of all the secrecy. But hey, glad you're keeping the romance alive."

Charlie grinned, "Yeah, we've been together for 8 years. Gotta keep the spark going, right?"

As they shared a laugh, Charlie couldn't help but feel grateful for his friends' understanding. "I'm sorry about the other day, guys. I guess I let my possessiveness get the best of me. I hope you can forgive me," he said sincerely.

Pit Babe squeezed Charlie's hand, "I love you, sweetheart."

Charlie smiled back at her, "I love you too, sweetie."

Their friends erupted into teasing and joking at the sweet exchange, but deep down, they all appreciated the deep love and connection between Charlie and Pit Babe. From that day on, Alan, Jeff, and Pete made a point to call ahead before visiting Charlie and Pit Babe, just to make sure that they weren't interrupting any more of their "date nights" at home. And although they continued to tease Charlie about his possessiveness, it became a funny inside joke among their friends, and it just made their bond even stronger.

The end....

I hope you liked it:)

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