Broom Closet - 💛

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One night after dinner, Hermione dragged Draco into an empty broom closet for some alone time. He grinned, pinning her against the wall as their lips met hungrily in the dark.

Hands roamed eagerly over robes as their kisses grew deeper and more urgent. Draco tugged Hermione's tie loose, trailing hot open-mouthed kisses down her neck. She moaned softly, clinging to him.

One of his legs slipped between hers as their bodies pressed intimately together. Hermione nipped at his bottom lip, eliciting a low growl from Draco. He hitched her thigh up around his waist, grinding against her-

"Don't mind us, just here to fetch a mop!"

Draco and Hermione sprang apart at the intrusion of Peeves' cackling voice from the doorway. Blushing furiously, they peered out to see the poltergeist cackling overhead with Fred and George grinning behind him.

"Always knew you two had a bit of a thing," George waggled his brows.

"Now scram so we can continue our 'detention'," Draco grumbled, slamming the door again amid the twins' laughter.

His moment with Hermione was lost, but more private makeouts were surely in their future to continue where they'd left off...

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