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"How's Malia doing?"

Ja shrugged, taking Kaari's overnight bag from her mother. "She doing okay. I'on really know."

Kaari's mother, KK, whom was married now with another little one on the way, sighed. "Well... Let her know that I love her and I hope that she's doing well."


"Brooklyn still in town?"

"Nah." The point guard shook his head, thinking about the current state of people he used to spend all his time with.

"Damn. So..." KK rubbed her stomach, taking a breath. "What about everyone else?"

Ja heaved a breath in response, taking a seat on KK's couch. Kaari was taking awhile to come downstairs as she always did when she was put in charge of getting herself ready.

Kaari was still Kaari, just slightly older and much more sassy. Though she was still so young, Morant felt that she ran the world.

"Desmond and Brook been MIA since he got traded and his Dad passed. Trip been in the gym and I ain't chopped it up wit' him in however long. Only see that nigga at games. D-Tap always gon' be D-Tap. And Malia?"

He took a few seconds to think. Everything had fallen apart too fast for Ja to try and fix it. No one, not even Malia, could've prevented what happened. The way everyone began to act. The way Malia began to act.

"She goin' through it." Ja looked up at KK. "And we all might be the reason."

"Hi, Daddy."

Ja put on a good face and KK forced a lopsided smile. Kaari was 6 now but still way too young too understand certain things.

Kaari didn't know why she hadn't seen TT Brook and Uncle Des in almost 7 months. She didn't know why she used to see Jaren everyday at one point but hardly saw him now. And Kaari, for the life of her, didn't understand why today was the first time in a while that she was seeing Malia.

Supposed to be, anyway.

"Alright." Malia smiled at her students. "That's all I have for you guys today. You did really well."

One of her students stood, throwing his book bag on his shoulder. "Anything for you, Miss Hall. I think you look so good today. No cap."

The chemistry teacher brushed off the comment, laughing to herself. "You all are dismissed when the bell rings."

As her students filed from the classroom, Malia packed her items to leave. She hadn't slept well at all last night so that's what she planned to do when she got back to her apartment. After she graded an assload of papers.

The door opened to her classroom, making her glance up at who was there. Malia's heart sank into her stomach at the sight of Ja and Kaari standing there.

"You scared me." Malia murmured, standing to her feet. "Hey, guys."

"Lia." Kaari ran up to Malia, hugging her legs. "I didn't see you since last time."

The school teacher nearly froze in her spot but recovered quickly, swiftly patting the child's back. "Hi, Kaari. How you?"

"I'm good." Kaari replied, taking a step back. "I don't see you no more."

Malia sighed, squatting down. "I know. I've been really busy with school, honey. How has school been for you?"

"Good." Kaari quipped happily. "Mommy says when I'm a big girl, I'll be in your class."

Ja watched on as Malia spoke to Kaari, rooted in a squat that showed how invested she was into the conversation. He wondered how easy it was for her to put on a good face and make somewhat of an attempt to stay in Kaari's life. Even though Malia didn't want to be in his life sometimes.

Attractions: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now