Chapter 1- The Bar

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Julien's POV:

It was 10:00pm on a Friday night, I was working as a bar tender at The Beer Tap. The bar was busy, music was blaring and it
was very crowded. I was making a cocktail for a customer when I heard someone shout "Hey you!"

I whipped around to find where the voice came from and I found the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She had long blond hair, lots of makeup and clothes that hugged her in all the right places. I must have zoned out staring at her because she was waving her hand in front of my face when I finally snapped out of my trance. "Hello?? Hellooooo??" She was basically screaming over the music to catch my attention.

"Oh, uh, sorry... Hi" I felt extremely nervous talking to her.
"Hi... Can I get 5 tequila shots please?" She asked.
"Oh yeah sure, no problem!" I smiled at her and before I turned around, she smiled back. She had the most beautiful smile, it was contagious!

Jenna's POV:

It was a typical Friday night for me, I was headed to a nearby bar to grab some drinks with my girl friends. We walked into the very crowded bar and found a table after waiting 15 minutes for one to free up. I told my friends I would grab us some tequila shots at the bar. When I reached the bar, I noticed there was a guy I had never seen working there before. This was news because we come to this bar quite often. He was making a drink so I yelled to him, "Hey you!" to get his attention.

Right away, he turned around to look at me. He was not only hot, but he looked so sweet unlike the douchey guys I had dated in the past. He had dark brown curly hair, very muscular arms and a clean shaven face. Tall, dark and handsome... He had it all. We locked eyes and I felt an instant connection... When I broke away, he was still staring at me. I started to wave my hands in front of his face but he didn't blink so I resorted to yelling.

"Hello?? Hellooooo??" I yelled. He finally came back to reality and said,
"Oh, uh, sorry... Hi".
"Hi... Can I get 5 tequila shots please?" I asked him politely.
"Oh yeah sure, no problem!" He yelled back with a smile. When he smiled, I melted... I mean, he just looked so cute and he was sooo handsome!! I automatically smiled back at him before he turned around to pour the shots.

Julien's POV:

I quickly poured the tequila into five small shot glasses and placed them on a tray. When I turned around, she was already smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back as I handed her the tray.

"Here you go"
"Thanks!" She smiled one last time before she turned around and walked towards her friends.

I had butterflies in my stomach, a huge smile was plastered on my face... Who was this girl? Why did I feel so drawn to her? I serve hundreds of girls in a week, why was she so special?

Jenna's POV:

I was watching him pour the shots, his muscular arms were being shown off by his muscle tank. The only thing I was focused on was his smile. Just thinking of it made me smile! As I was staring, he turned towards me carrying a tray with the shots on it.

"Here you go" He said while giving off his perfect smile.
"Thanks!" I responded with one last grin.

My legs felt wobbly as I walked towards our table. A small smile was on my face as I thought about him... Who was this guy? What was his name? I had to find out...

3 hours later...

Julien's POV:

It has been hours since the girl came up to the bar. Her other friends have come up to get more drinks, but she has stayed seated. I've been watching her though... Not in a creepy, stalker way but I just couldn't get her out of my mind!! Her smile, her laugh... She was just so beautiful... Oh, here's my chance!! She's coming up to the bar! Act cool, act cool...

"Ummm, Can I please get a beer?" She asks. I could tell she was drunk but she was still so sweet and polite.
"Yeah, sure!" I flashed her a sweet smile.

As I handed her the beer, she said "Thank you!" before turning around to leave. No, I can't let her get away again! She's going to leave soon and I will never see her again...

"Wait!" I call. She instantly whips her head around. She looks hopeful, I can see it in her eyes.
"Is there any way I could have your number? You seem so sweet and your gorgeous..." I could see her blush a little.
"Sure! Let me write it on a napkin... Here" She smiled as she handed it to me. Our hands touched for only a second but I felt a spark. I had a huge smile on my face!

"Thanks! My name is Julien"
"I'm Jenna... Nice to meet you! Call me anytime, you seem sweet!" She blushed as she said the last part.
"I will, I definitely will..."

I couldn't believe it!! She just called me sweet!! Once she gave me the napkin, she left the bar with the rest of her friends. She looked back at me one last time and smiled. I was left in an empty bar at 1:00am, and all I could think about was calling Jenna...

Jenna's POV:

For the rest of the night, I kept making excuses to my friends of why I couldn't go up to the bar. I felt in a daze when I talked to him. He made me nervous and I wasn't going to talk to him again tonight... Then, as my friends said we should leave, I got an overwhelming feeling that I was forgetting something... I told them I needed a beer when in reality, I needed to talk to him again...

"Ummm, Can I please get a beer?" I asked quickly.
"Yeah, sure!" He replied. Uhhh, that smile!! I can't take it!!

As he turned around, I was secretly hoping he would ask me for my number. I mean, he was special. I was so drawn to him unlike any other guys I have met. Guys are always hitting on me but I don't want a one night stand, I want true love...

"Thank you!" I say before walking away.
"Wait!" He yells to me.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Is there any way I could have your number? You seem so sweet and your gorgeous..." Oh gosh, I blushed at his compliment...
"Sure! Let me write it on a napkin... Here" I gave him the napkin and our hands touched for a second. I may or may not have done that on purpose, but either way, I felt a spark and I knew I needed to see him again.

"Thanks! My name is Julien" He told me with a grin.
"I'm Jenna... Nice to meet you! Call me anytime, you seem sweet!" Stop Blushing Jenna!! STOP BLUSHING!!
"I will, I definitely will..." He seemed to trail off at this point.

I walked out of the bar with my friends after I looked back at him one last time... That night, all I wanted was for him to call me. I fell asleep with the image of his smile in my mind...
This is my first Wattpad story so please give me feedback of how I could improve. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be updating once I get a few reads!!

xoxo Kiki

It All Started With Drinks-A Jennulien StoryWhere stories live. Discover now