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A man with a scroll ran down the crowded halls of a castle that was above the stars. He ran towards the throne room, crashing through the doors. Eight men were sitting around a round table, discussing things. Giant windows and extravagant ceiling art made the place feel inviting but at the same time, it was a room that made you feel like only royalty could live here. If someone was to look down on the ground, it was glass as well but it showed stars. Nearly every star in the universe could be scene by the ruler or emperor. The man was breathing heavily when one of the men stood up. He was bald with some eye tattoos. His old dry fingers traced the outline for the table before walking towards the male with the scroll. He wraps his fingers around the scroll before the male moved the scroll away from the bald male.

"This is something for the emperor." The male with the scroll said.

"Everyone is allowed to see it, Juti." He said, trying to yank the scroll out of his hands.

"You are apart of the Zodiac council, there are things that you can't see." Juti said.

"You'd show Ashlynn if she was still here." He said.

"Fuck Ashlynn, I would only show her because it would actually concern her." Juti spat back.

"You lower class little-" The bald man was interuppted.

"That's enough." An authoritative voice commanded.

A young tall male stood up, draped in more white gold and gems than any of the other men. Everyone else bowed down to him as he stood. Most of his long black hair hides behind a hood as some shorter bits come out of the hood up front. His skin looked to be sunkissed, with a tattoo on his face that looked like a bird's foot with a circle between his left and middle talon. He gracefully walked over to the male and placed his hand gently on the scroll. The male looked at him.

"This is something that doesn't matter to them." Juti said, looking back at the seven other men. The younger male turned to them and smiled.

"The meeting will be adjourned until further notice." He announced, hearing a roar from the other men.

"This is an outrage, you're letting a lower race take control over you Jung. People will think you're weak." One said.

"May I remind you men that I was looked upon as a lower race and here I am. I'm the king of the gods, and if I tell you to go, I mean it." Jung commanded once more.

He watched as they all left before taking the scroll from the male. He wrapped his hands around it, looking at the stars underneath him and sighed. He looked at the scroll's end, noticing the glowing runes tracing around it. He took a deep breath in and walked over to one of the constellations. He looked down and sighed at the fact that it came from the.

"the thirteenth member, and the most forgotten. The leader of the ultimate enemy and they are attacking once again." The young Emperor concluded.

"Your majesty, you should really read the scroll. It may give you better insite." He said, very calmly.

Jung opens up the scroll slowly to see the glowing letters come to him. He read the words slowly, his lips saying each word perfectly. His eyes followed the scroll perfectly with eat word reflecting off of his eyes. He looked at the Ophiuchus constellation and sighed, throwing the scroll across the room. Jung looked at Juti before falling into one of the chairs, his hand over his hands.

"Is it just Ophiuchus?" Juti asked.

"It's going to leak into Scorpio and Sagittarius very soon." Jung said, looking down.

"I don't trust anyone else in this room to make the right choice." Juti said.

"What choice is there other than to intervene, at least keep it contained within a few stars of Ophiuchus." Jung siad,

"Or you can call upon the night army. They'll wipe them out no problem." Juti said.

"The night army, I heard it was myth." Jung said.

"Your world was under control of the underworld, do you remember the day that you saw the light again?" Juti asked.

"Yes, I do." Jung said. "There stood Luxim, and some girl in the sunlight. The reason why he was named one of the council members."

"He's not their commander, the girl is. She was banished when something bad happened. In fact, there is a rumor that he had something to do with her losing control of her power. He was the only one with her during that night. This girl is Ashlynn's and Andre's daughter. So they made a god with mortal blood. At least she's mostly mortal in their world. When she hits 20 she's no longer going to age, unless she gives up her right to her titles." Juti said.

"She's still their commander, is there a way to change it?" Jung asked.

"No, you talk to one of the generals, and he'll stand behind her no matter what.They think she did nothing wrong. She could have well enough have done nothing wrong, but could have been an unfair ruling of your predsuior." Juti explained. "The night army was made when Ashlynn made it clear that she and the other eleven members won't intervene when we have problems. The title was supposed to go with one of us but instead when with her child by birthright. She's the only one that can save us. Think about it, her parents have aged, it's time not to rely on them."

"How do I reverse the ruling without the council's approval?" Jung asked.

"Through the emergency treaty of the gods. It states the Emperor, if he must can rule without the permission of the council once a year. Especially if it's something that cannot be debated among council members. Bringing her back will upset Luxim Besides you've seen pictures of her mother and father, it'd be nice to see a beautiful woman once in a while." Juti winked at the last comment.

"And here I thought you were concerned about our citizens in the outer worlds. What's her name?" Jung asked, laughing a bit.

"Acelynn Anne Marie Monroe. She's not an easy person to find but we located her whereabouts to one city." Juti said, bringing up a map of Tokyo to the round table. "She's in this city, filled with millions of people."

"Needle in a haystack much." Jung said, writing down a proper declaration for this girl.

"You remember the cities in the world along the Leo constellation, Cromus? The city Krismos have mostly white skinned elves and you can easily spot the gray, red and green ones, and yet you go to another city, like Shiagni, there are green ones everywhere. This is what this world is like, although they are much further along to mixing everyone together than Cromus is. She stands out in this city because to them, she's a foreigner." Juti said.

"I'll send messenger to retrieve her." He said, grabbing a golden quill and signing his name. "Made it absolute that she will be coming back."

"Good, give me the declaration. I'll track down messenger and give this to him." Juti said.

"Tell him no force at all. She must come on her own will. I don't want a shit strom to turn up if one of her parents had to show up." Jung ordered. Juti nodded and left the room.


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