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Longan's eyes fluttered open to a scene of serenity. they knelt upon a cushion of dew-kissed grass, encircled by a tapestry of fragrant blooms swaying in the morning breeze. The garden exuded its usual tranquil yet peculiar aura, with the rhythmic hum of crickets harmonizing with the melodious chirping of waking birds, breaking the otherwise profound silence.

Lost in contemplation, Longan remained seated, their gaze fixed upon the vibrant flowerbeds swaying gracefully under the gentle touch of golden sunlight filtering through the sprawling branches above. The world beyond these bordering hedges seemed distant, almost forgotten, as occasional sounds echoed faintly, resembling distant whispers amid the serene garden ambiance.

The tranquility was almost eerie, striking a chord of both peace and an unsettling calmness. Longan allowed themselves the rare indulgence of relaxation, tracing the softness of the grass with their fingertips and inhaling the fragrance of the nearby flowers. A distant, delicate giggle, their child's laughter, danced in the air. Longan closed their eyes, surrendering to the vivid memory that lingered within, finding solace in the garden's embrace.

Their eyes drifted shut, drawn into the intoxicating perfume of blossoms and the earthy aroma of dew-kissed soil. A subtle smile graced the corners of their lips, evoked by memories that traversed distant times spent alongside their daughter in gardens akin to this one. Paths meticulously tended, adorned with an array of flowers, each hue painting a vivid tapestry against subdued backgrounds, mirrored the scenes etched in Longan's mind.

Longan's reverie shattered with a faint scream piercing the tranquility.

No, not this... not again...

Eyes snapped open, instinct honing in on the origin of the panicked cry. Swift as lightning, their senses heightened, time seemingly slowing to a crawl, affording a fleeting moment to scan the surroundings before dashing towards the source of the distress.

Longan dashed through the garden, plunging into the forest, sticks and bushes colliding against their body in a cacophony of sound. Despite the chaotic path, they pushed forward, breaths coming in ragged gasps, the distressing cry growing louder with each step.

The forest provided scant relief, its dense canopy casting ominous shadows upon the ground, concealing potential dangers lurking within. Longan pressed onward toward the origin of the distressing sound, propelled by an urgency akin to wildfire chasing its prey. Every stride felt interminable, a battle against encroaching vines and grasping branches. The cry of anguish intensified, almost audible amidst the howling winds that whipped through the treetops overhead.

Arriving at the source of the anguished cries, Longan's heart plummeted. Their beloved daughter lay in the grasp of another, a pitiful cookie, gripping her throat in a violent hold. Her once-beautiful face was now marred by blood, her horn horrifically damaged, split in two with fragments of what used to be a graceful adornment, now shattered. A small remnant remained connected to her forehead, a cruel testament to the brutality she had endured. She sobbed in agony and distress, a sight that pierced Longan's soul.

Longan stood paralyzed, unable to fathom the ghastly sight unraveling before them. Their cherished offspring, the embodiment of their purpose and pride, lay subjected to the savagery of a contemptible assailant. Blood seeped from countless wounds, marring the once-unblemished beauty of her porcelain skin. Ruby-hued tears streaked her pale complexion, blending with the scarlet-tinged saliva that dribbled down her chin-a haunting portrayal of the violence inflicted upon her.

And then Longan snapped awake, drenched in sweat, their heart hammering against their chest. Gasping for air, they found themselves staring wide-eyed into the dimly lit room, illuminated solely by the moon's silvery rays filtering through stained-glass windows. These windows depicted ancient tales of battles long past, their grim narratives casting haunting shadows within the chamber.

PEACEFUL NIGHT • LONGAN DRAGONWhere stories live. Discover now