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Longan had been grappling with a peculiar sense of unease for the past few days. In subtle ways, they'd been attempting to rebuild the connection with their daughter, cautiously navigating a path of reconciliation. Progress seemed elusive, leaving Longan uncertain about any headway made. They understood their own past behavior of aloofness and coldness toward her had caused profound damage. It was no surprise she remained distant and puzzled by Longan's sudden effort to mend their fractured father-daughter relationship after years of neglect.

They couldn't shake off the irony of the situation. For years, they'd comfortably maintained a distant and cold demeanor towards their daughter, even after the tragic incident that should have brought them closer. In fact, Longan had grown more withdrawn. Yet now, amidst the shattered remains of their relationship, they found themselves peculiarly attempting to mend what they had so willingly let break.

They grappled with their own inner conflict, unable to provide an explanation for this sudden change of heart. Despite the ambiguity shrouding their motives, a fervent determination to right the wrongs of the past and seek redemption burned within them. Even if it meant braving potential rejection and an uncertain future, Longan felt an unwavering resolve to pursue amends and rectify their previous mistakes.

Longan's heart clenched painfully as they revisited the haunting memories of their own callousness towards their daughter. The absence of regret in their past actions stung deeply; an unwavering desire to avoid her and delegating her care to the guards had been their norm. Weeks would pass without Longan even laying eyes on their own flesh and blood.

A pang of realization cut through Longan's core – they were undeniably a terrible father.

The weight of remorse descended upon them like a suffocating cloak, eyes now clouded with the burden of guilt and self-loathing. Longan, unaccustomed to such emotions, found their shoulders sagging under the weight of regret.

Were they even deserving of attempting to mend a bond they callously shattered, treating it as inconsequential as shattered glass? The question lingered heavily, casting doubt upon their worthiness to seek reconciliation.

Longan's chest tightened with the weight of their own remorse, the recollection of their distant and icy treatment towards their offspring cutting deeper than any physical pain. Guilt surged like relentless waves crashing against unyielding cliffs, a sensation so foreign to the impervious Ivory dragon they were known to be.

Their persona, feared and revered, clashed starkly with the image of a parent recalling their cruel indifference towards their fragile child. Longan, accustomed to being an embodiment of coldness and cruelty, found themselves grappling with unfamiliar emotions.

The right to feel anything resembling warmth or love seemed like an unearned privilege, especially after the extensive years of neglect and emotional detachment inflicted upon her.

The weight of this realization plunged Longan into a bottomless pit of self-loathing and regret. She sat nearby, quietly consuming her meal, completely unaware of the emotional tempest raging within Longan's tormented soul, mere meters away.

Longan's relentless contemplation was abruptly disrupted by the child's soft burp, causing their thoughts to stumble momentarily. The dragon's piercing gaze shifted slightly towards the child, enough to instill a sense of unease in her.

"Um," she stammered, her nerves tangling within, utterly perplexed by Longan's sudden attention. After a nervous gulp, she finally managed to stutter out, "I-I'm sorry."

Longan, grappling with their inner turmoil, attempted to feign composure by clearing their throat, the effort to sound relaxed evident in their strained voice. "It's... acceptable, dear," they managed, the words feeling forced, their voice betraying a hint of strain from conflicting emotions battling within.

PEACEFUL NIGHT • LONGAN DRAGONWhere stories live. Discover now