17. The war II

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Vedanti stood at the edge of the cliff, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She looked at her warriors, their faces determined but exhausted. "We have to jump," she said, her voice steady despite the fear that gripped her heart.

One by one, they leaped off the cliff, plunging into the waters below. As Vedanti jumped, she couldn't help but think of Abhirath and the battle he was fighting. She prayed that they would both survive this ordeal, and that they would find their way back to each other, stronger than before.

The icy water enveloped her, and for a moment, everything was silent. As she surfaced, gasping for air, she saw Omkara standing at the bank with a smirk, soldiers ready to capture her and her team. Vedanti froze.

If there was one person she feared, it was Omkara because of what he had done to her in the past. She was shocked to see him here; wasn't he supposed to be on the battlefield?

Omkara stood there, flanked by his guards, his eyes blazing with fury. "So, the queen herself comes to me," he sneered.

Vedanti's heart raced, and she felt a surge of fear, but she stood her ground, holding the letter tightly. "This ends now," she said, her voice steady. "Your schemes, your deceit – it all ends here."

Omkara laughed, a cold, menacing sound. "You think you can stop me? Your kingdom will fall, and you will help me with it, my woman."

Vedanti felt a chill run down her spine at his words. The term "my woman" brought back the most traumatic incident of her life. Her teammates were captured, and Omkara moved toward her. But before he could touch her, Abhirath and his soldiers stormed the bank on horses.

Abhirath dismounted swiftly, his eyes fixed on Omkara with rage. "Stay away from my vedanti, you bastard," he growled, stepping between Vedanti and Omkara, sword drawn.

Sensing the tension, Abhirath's father, Vishwanath, called out, "We can talk calmly. Put your swords down, both of you."

Omkara laughed again, a derisive sound. "I am winning here. Why should I put my sword down, uncle? Or should I say future father-in-law?" He smirked, making Vishwanath's face pale.

"What is going on? Why are you calling him father-in-law?" Abhirath demanded, confused and angry.

"Calm down, Abhirath. You are about to receive the biggest shock of your life. Right, my woman?" Omkara said, winking at Vedanti.

Abhirath pressed his sword to Omkara's neck, fury in his eyes. "Watch you words before I cut you into half," he said in a dangerous voice.

"I bet you'll throw her out of your life once you know her secrets. Right, future father-in-law?" Omkara taunted, looking at Vishwanath, who lowered his head in defeat.

"Speak!" Abhirath demanded, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Listen then, my boy. Your father is not your father. Vishwanath is Vedanti's biological father, and she knew it. The parents she was brought up with are your biological parents." Abhirath looked at his father, then back at Vedanti, who stood behind him. He couldn't believe she had hidden this from him.

Omkara continued, relishing the chaos he was creating. "Trupti also knew. That's why she decided that if she couldn't have you, she would have your younger brother. Dev is your sibling, not Vedanti's."

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