Your Sweet Taste

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Hey guys, so I was trying to update this chapter a few days ago but I was sick so I'm sorry for the late updates I'm trying my best💙 enjoy the chapter guys and I'd like to hear your thoughts on the chapter🥰😊


That asshole made me forget all that I wanted to say, I went to his room just to take his permission to go out but then this happened and I couldn't tell him anything! Anyway, I'll wait just for now then I'll go to his room again.

I was lying on my bed thinking about that bastard, I think I need to distance myself from him it's not like I'm scared of him or something but for me, he's just a distraction! I shouldn't think about him too much because I have a purpose to gain and that's why I'm still breathing and not dead, I should remember I'm only living for vengeance.

I'm not a normal guy who can love and get married and live a happy life...This is just fucked up!

The sound of knocking on the door startled me, could it be Vegas?

I jerked from the bed immediately and ran off to open the door.

"Nong Pete, Ma'am Nam summoned you to her room," Aunt Pim said while I was rubbing my eyes because I felt drowsy cause I laid on the bed for too long...Wait! Why did she want me to go to her room?

"Khap! But can I change first?" I asked because I was still wearing my sleeping clothes.

"Okay but don't take too long and when you're done come directly to the Ma'm room" I nodded then walled inside immediately looking for anything suitable to wear in my closet.

I couldn't help but wonder why did she call out for me. I mean she's the one who ordered me not to get close to her room!

After I finished I walked out of my room towards the floor where her room was located, I don't know why I felt nervous but I hoped she wouldn't fire me again.

I stood in front of her door and then mustered the courage to knock "Come in" I heard her voice and I instantly twisted the door knop and stepped inside only to stand in front of the door.

"Shut the door and come here" She was sitting on a chair next to her bed but I didn't know why she looked different from all the previous times I saw her despite that her tone was still as strict as ever I could sense something different.

"Khap!" I shut the door then took a few steps closer in her direction and stood there still looking at the ground.

"Come closer!" She startled me signaling me to stand in front of her so I obeyed immediately and walked closer until I was in front of her.

She took my hand tossing it around as if she was checking something.

"Your hand...healed?" So she was checking the cut from the other day?!

"Ohh...yes ma'am it healed! Thank you for your concern" Actually I still can't believe that she would call me here to check on me! Like did she see the good in me and decide to treat me better because I deserve it? Yeah, that's why maybe she repented that she treated me badly so she's making it up for me!

"Good because I want you to buy groceries because we ran out of them" Oh...all my hopes were crushed now...And dumb me thought that she was concerned about, like seriously Pete! Do you think anyone would care about your damn trivial little wound?! She just checked to make sure I could carry the grocery bags and not toss them on the ground.

"Uhh...Khap!" I said bowing my head.

"And one other thing, I want you to buy me lunch from that one new restaurant I want to try their food" As if I knew now what restaurant she was talking about! Thanks, Ma'am for a good explanation.

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