Chapter 1-

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Hello there, my name is Clare. In our community, we don't have last names. It's a simple life. There's a war going on somewhere close by, and people are starting to worry. World War III is what my mom called it.

My older sister is Cat and my younger brother is Caleb. ((Random names, lol.)) Since I'm in the middle, my parents don't really notice me as much. I'm the not talented with anything but writing. I'm not athletic, I'm not good at anything but English, I'm not very girly, nor am I social. I'm just kinda awkwardly there. Not popular, not bullied. Unnoticed. Just kinda there.

I'm not very good with speaking. I stutter a lot. I have glasses, which make me even more awkward. ((She just gets awkward, if you have glasses, you're fine.)) If you ever saw me, I would be in the shadows, writing to my imagination's limit. I have a really big imagination.

"Oh my god, Clare!" Cat said. She looked me up and down. I had my normal yellow sweater, some black jeans, and black flats. Nothing special. "When will you ever learn fashion?"

Cat put on a lot of make up, a pink dress, and high heels. How did she even walk in those? She had long brown hair and brown eyes.

"Well, I'm fine," I said.

"Dont you wanna be noticed?" Cat asked. I shook my head.

"I'm fine," I said again. "I like it like how it is."

"Your life seems really boring, your nose is always in a book or your writing," Cat said. "I mean... you have no useful talents. Even Caleb has a better talent. He's sooooo good at football and I'm good at swimming."

"Yeah, I'm not athletic," I said. "And maybe some day people will buy my books!"

"In your dreams," Cat said. "You should try to work on something more special before you find yourself jobless with no money!"


I made this book mostly for two of my best friends, littmac/annelit and IloveJESSanHElovesME. Thank you two for making me feel confident of publishing books!! :3


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