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Merry Christmas :D
or Merry Crisis, if you prefer

i gots something for yallll :>

its a lil story i had to write for one of my classes- and ofc being the dumbass i am decided to make it abt Undertale AUs!
my friend helped me review it and stuff so hope you enjoy-

Ship Warning: Crossmare, Slight Driller, Slight Errorberry, Slight HorrorDust.

oh- and here's a video i made a few days ago for NM and Dream's B-Day

its more of a gift for a friend cuz nightmare blah blah, but i still wanna get views on it so GO WATCH IT

(i forgot to post this like 5 hours ago- oops-)


ChristmasVerse ❄️

It's Christmas Eve, villagers of Underfeels, Snowdin, are celebrating one of their best holidays. A trio of skeletons are the source of it all. Swap, Ink, and Dream, have been traveling around the multiverse for years, and many more to come. They've declared themselves as the "Star Sanses" who cheer up the most negative of universes to ensure a better multiverse.

"Thanks for comin' here you three." Mask nodded at them gratefully. "The whole town really thanks you, ever since the royal guard.. y'know." Mask was the one who gathered everyone up for the holidays. "It's no problem! All we had to do was set up the party!" Swap reassures him, a gleeful smile plastered on his face. "It was you who decided to send letters to everyone!" Ink and Dream agreed, it was all Mask's doing, which they were proud of. The Star Sanses' alarms went off, "Looks like we've got to head off." Ink pulled out his phone, silencing it. "Aww, but we were just getting started!" Swap whines as the sudden alarm rained down on their parade.

The village of Snowdin and their visitors wave goodbye to the trio. Whoosh! They disappeared in a flash of bright light. Their next stop, Underfell. Not to be confused with Underfeels, which they were previously in. Underfell was a bit more of a toughie universe, in Swap's opinion, they were extremely edgy and needed much cheering up. While they were there, they teamed up with Frisk and planned another party!

'One more universe,' They all thought. They've been working for hours to increase the positivity and were tired to the bone. Thankfully it was Outertale, so this should be much easier. "Hey Outer!" Dream called out, running to the bouncy skeleton and greeting him with a hug. Swap and Ink waved at him as the four kept heading to the next Snowdin. Turns out, all the monsters had planned a surprise Christmas party for them. Thanking the trio for their hard work in the multiverse. While celebrating, Swap thought this was wonderful, a bit too wonderful. He split from the big group of noisy monsters and investigated a few of the houses.

"Hello?" He called out to no one in particular, maybe just hoping he'd find something good to do rather than laze around all day. A gruff cough comes from around the corner. "Who's there?" He spins around in a circle, staying alert. The sound of shoes being dragged across the ground circles. He pulls out a blue attack to defend himself if needed. "C'mon 'Baby' Blue, are you really this on edge?" Swap groaned, he hated that nickname, but that meant it was someone he knew. They had ragged clothes and a pitch-black, tar substance dripping down from his eyes. A soul shaped like a glowing red target constantly lingered over his chest. Swap readied into a defensive position. "Yes, Killer, and I'll attack you if you come another inch closer." The tar crying skeleton chuckles, snapping his fingers as knives appear in his hands. "What are you doing here anyway?" Swap orders an answer from him.. "Just some mission for the boss." Killer answers, spinning one of his knives. "You mean Nightmare?" Killer nods, suddenly throwing the knife at Swap as it whizzed straight at his face. Everything went dark. A loud beep rang through his skull as he collapsed. The last thing he heard was Killer, dragging him away over the chilling snow, laughing coldly.

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