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I hummed to myself, placing the warm cookies on a plate

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I hummed to myself, placing the warm cookies on a plate. I had made tea, as well.

I picked the plate up, walking over to the coffee table. I lined up the tea cups, today Tom's other friends were coming over, I wanted to make a good impression, to say the least.

Which was weird, cause whenever my parents had their, church friends come over. I didn't care.

I noticed him emerging into the, main space. Our house was just one big open floor plan, but it pulled along very nicely.

"What the... what are you doing?" He questioned, I had also noticed he was in his usual attire, yet I was dressed like I belonged in the last decade, weird...

"I made cookies and tea." I pointed to all the things I had placed on the coffee table.

"Okay, but why?"

"For bible study." I saw a confused look, stay glued to his face. "We won't need those, don't worry." Tom shrugged, smiling.

"Huh? They're your church friends right?" I think both of us were very confused by now.

"Yeah, they're my church friends." He nodded. "Okay... so then aren't they all like, elegant or something I don't know." I'm beyond confused.

"I-" He gets cut off by the doorbell ringing.

I walked over to the front door with him, my heels clicking. "Why are you being so formal?" He opened the door, looking me up and down.

I recognized them... oh! Yeah, they went to our school. I always seen them when I was walking to Mr. Bache's class, he hung out with them at the library quite a bit. If I remember correctly.

"You can place your stuff down on the bench." Tom points to the welcoming bench, I wanted a place to sit down when I took off my heels.

So, that's why said bench, is there.

They had all matured nicely, looked like some very dapper people. Who I usually found annoying, but it's fine for today I guess.

There was two girls, and two guys. Five people is an odd number for a friend group, but hey! I'm not judging. You've literally judged them since the minute they've arrived. Okay, fine.

Oh dear, goodness.

One of the girls, flipped her septum out. Taking her large jacket off, revealing a very tight shirt. Her boobs were practically exploding out of it.

I liked it, it was a cute top.

But wait...

Oh my god, they're just like him aren't they?

I noticed all their personas turning off, going into different ones. "This is Liv, by the way. She's my... mine." Tom announced.

I waved, not knowing what to say. That word stayed stuck on my mind though, mine.

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