Chapter 4

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Nina’s pov

And now she knew. Of course I was ready for the flow of questions that would follow. To my great surprise they never came. I had expected enquires but I was only met with silence. She just kept her eyes locked on mine as if she could see something in them that she could not guess by reading my hand. All of a sudden she looked away and turned to Elena. Still, no words were spoken; they were having a silent conversation. I was pretty sure it was about trusting me or not. It seemed she got everything she wanted out of this conversation because she turned to me and broke the silence.

“So what am I expected to do?” And with those words I knew that all would be right with the Bennet which.

“You and I are going to combine our powers to overcome Esther’s silly little spell, we are going to break the link she created between all of her children. That way Kol and Rebekah can come out unharmed and then we will take Klaus down!”

“So basically you want me to help the original vampires to get away from their impending death and then just hope that you will stay long enough to kill Klaus?”

“That’s it”. She looked at me for a while and then smiled

“I like her Elena, I really do! She got spunk!”

“I’m still here you know. Now I would like to get down to business and start our little ceremony. I have to warn you though; this is going to take a lot out of you. It’s already hard for me as a vampire so because you’re human it probably ten times worst. This is why, Elena, I want you to make her stop as soon as you see her becoming weak. Is it clear?”

“Yeah, I’ll make her stop.”

“ Good, now let’s go inside and do this thing”.

And with those words we went into the creepy little house. Bonnie and I lit candles around us. I could feel the power that ran in this little room. I took her hands in mine, closed my eyes, took deep breaths and then I started chanting. “Liberare Eos a his vinculis. Unum et Unum Omnia. Sororibus dicam undique me adjuvet. A vinculis liberaret, redditis libero…” I felt the power course from my veins, the energy running in my body and getting out undoing what Esther had done to her children. I felt the power coming from Bonnie too. Not as strong as mine but still I could since it working around us. I felt myself weaken and suddenly I was on my own. Bonnie had been taken away, she couldn’t do much more. I knew now was going to be the difficult part. The momentarily help had gone; the responsibility was on me and on me only. “…Eorum confringent vinculi, lamia liberi sunt iterum. Vobis gratias sorores.” 

“It’s done” I whispered. I would have to wait for a minute or two for all my energy to come back to me. A blood bag would be welcomed too but I doubt if the two humans want to know that. Before any of them could question me I left. I had to go and tell my family that they were safe from Esther for a while now. Her little plan would not work, not anymore.

I went to their great mansion and before anyone could notice me I went straight to Kol in the far end of the gardens. I jumped on his back and heard him chuckle.

“It has been done, Esther dear will not be able to do any harm any time soon. How glad you must be that you are not going to be sent back into your coffin so soon after getting out.”

“You are getting cheekier by the minute and I like it!”

“No thank you? How you wound me! How incredibly selfish of you not to embrace me for all of my greatness…” before I could finish my speech he threw me on the ground and tickled me until I couldn’t breathe. Not that I really needed it.

“Well what do you have to say now?”

“I have to go before Klaus finds me here and tries to do something really silly, I’ll see you around little guy!” And before he could react to my last comment I left to my house.

I absolutely loved this place. It was mine since the 17th century. It was a magnificent house, one where many happy memories took place.

I went in and went to the first floor where I could take a shower and change. Mine were stained by mud and grass from my little encounter with Kol.

Damon’s pov

Since the party so generously organized by the Originals, and this unexpected meeting with the girl, I couldn’t seem to think about anything else. All I knew somehow was her name, Nina. I wrecked through my mind for anything that could be related to her but I had nothing.  I searched and searched but it seemed nobody could tell me anything about her. This mysterious vampire was becoming a pain and I still did not her. I talked to her for five minutes max and she managed to completely blow my mind away. I knew I had already seen her somewhere. Her face seemed familiar and oddly comforting, the expressions she harbored brought with them a sense of belonging and her appearance altogether seemed to trigger something in me. 

I went to the bar to get this girl out of my head but somehow even bourbon could not help me right now. And so I did what I do best. I went to my dear brother. I decided that I would bug him until I got something out of him about this girl.

I went back to the Boarding House and as soon as I came in, I knew. Nina had been in here, I could smell her in the air, her perfumed lingered in the air. Stephan knew something and he was going to share it with me right now!

“STEPHAN! I would suggest you come right down!” A few seconds later he came in. Her scent was all over him. So he knew her!

“What can I do for you Damon?”

“Why don’t you start off by telling me who Nina really is and do not come up with some lame excuse! You better start talking right now Stephan because I am not feeling patient today and you wouldn’t want someone to get hurt would you?”

“Damon, look I could tell you a lot of things about Nina I could tell you the whole story but it wouldn’t change a thing. You will not be able to remember about all of those things I will tell you about because she doesn’t want you to.”

“Try me. Start talking Stephy!” Instead of talking, he left and came back a few seconds later with a photo in his hands.

“I’m not quite sure why I’m doing this, I really don’t. Here take this photo; it should be able to give you all the answers you are looking for.” He put the photo on the side table near the couch and left. When I was sure he wouldn’t come back, I took the photo and looked at it thoroughly. It was an old picture of me in my army uniform and Nina taken a year or so before I was turned.  I looked and looked and looked… but still I couldn’t remember her. Everything was becoming very confusing. This was one of Stephen’s stupid tricks to piss me off. And let me tell you it worked!  I was going to tear it apart but I saw something which changed everything. On the back of the picture, a sentence was written in a neat handwriting

“And now you remember


And I did. In a few seconds, everything came back to me and I knew.

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