Chapter 5

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Nina’s pov

The pounding of the warm water on my skin helped me relax. It allowed me to forget all the crazy stuff going on in my life right now. The warmth had always been soothing and now more than ever. I could forget about all the mess with Klaus, forget about Esther and her stupid plans. But most of all I could forget for a moment the one thing which hurt me more than anything else. Damon. Seeing him again after all this time was a lot more painful than what I had expected. I knew when I came back to this crazy town that I would meet him again, I knew and yet I came back thinking that it would be ok. Well, big shock here but it wasn’t. The worst was he had forgotten. I knew it was because I made him forget but I still found it hurt me that he did not have the slightest recollection of me. I had completely disappeared from his memory. I was non-existent. The worst was that I had the power to make him remember everything, to make him remember me. But I was afraid. Me, the weird, crazy, straightforward, powerful vampire was afraid of what this man would do when he remembered. It was hard to know that there was no us anymore because he had no idea who I was, but I do not believe I could survive if he rejected me after all this time. I couldn’t bring myself to just give him back his memory because it was easier that way. For me anyways. Taking his memory away from him had seemed like a good idea at the time, he would forget I existed and I could leave this town and his life and start over somewhere else. Didn’t really work out did it? Because here I was once again, trying to hide away from him but not finding the courage to either leave for good or face this situation.

I guess the hot shower can only make you forget so much. I got out of my bathroom and went to my closet to put some clothes on. As soon as I finished I heard the bell ring. Its sound resonated through the silence in the house. I quickly went to answer the door. Maybe I shouldn’t have or maybe it was a good idea but here I was looking at Damon looking as charming as ever with his piercing blue eyes. It seemed that even after two centuries he had complete control over my heart.


“Hello to you to Damon” I hadn’t even finished my sentence when he brushed past me and walked into the leaving room, “why don’t you come in, it’s lovely to see you again”, note the deep sarcasm I was using. I had always been a master in hiding my emotions, after a while you get the hang of it. He didn’t answer; he was pacing from one side of the room to the other. I could hear the clock on the wall ticking; seconds seemed like minutes, the tension in the room was incredible. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it straight away not knowing what to say.  He had come to me, let him do the talking.

“I know”, he had pronounced the two words that I prayed he wouldn’t. I was frozen. How could he remember, I didn’t want him to remember, this situation was not going how I wanted it to. Suddenly I wasn’t in charge anymore and I did not like it, I felt vulnerable. From now on anything could happen because he knew. He didn’t know all the details and he still didn’t have the answers to the many questions that his newly found memory would arise but he knew. He had somehow figured it out.

“How?” it was barely over a whisper showing the weakness that I was feeling in all of my being.

“The photo, Stephan showed me…”

“That son of a b***h”, I couldn’t stop myself. I had trusted him with this and he had shown him. He was my best friend but he had to give in to his brother. Urgh. Once again the silence was heavy in the room, but this time I decided that I would put an end to it. I couldn’t possibly just stay here and say nothing. I played with the ring on my finger. I always found myself playing with my jewelry when I was nervous.

“What do you want Damon?”

“What do I want? Are you seriously asking me that? I just found out that my fiancée had erased all my memories of her for some reason and you ask me what I want. What the hell is wrong with you Nina?” The way he spat fiancée was too much for me, I couldn’t keep my calm anymore, all the frustration I had felt over the years, all the pain, the questions, the why’s, all of it was bubbling inside of me, I knew right then that I was going to explode. We were going to engage in one of our epic fights. They had been quite famous at the time. No one could fight like we did.

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