Frank - 1

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(p/n) - pet's name
Imagine... Frank being nervous about meeting your parents. (+some pointless fluff!)

A voice directed your attention from the mirror in front of you to the door.

"How do I look?" It asked nervously. You smiled and looked your boyfriend, Frank, over before stepping towards him. He glanced at himself in the mirror anxiously, messing with his tie, resulting in a small laugh from you as you reached over to straighten it out.

"You look perfect. Dashing, even." You grinned, taking his hands in yours before he could fiddle with his suit jacket. "I know suits aren't really your thing.. Sorry I got you roped into this, love..." Smiling sympathetically, you glanced down into his perfect eyes - you had a couple inches on him, he hated it but you thought it was adorable - and gave a soft sigh. Your parents were from an upper class lifestyle, and never really had to worry about much, and this was their first time meeting Frank. The what ifs ran through your head restlessly.

What if they don't like him?

What if something embarrassing happens?

What if-

"Are you sure? I-I mean, I have tattoos everywhere, for gods sake...!" He worried.

"Frankie." You started simply, pressing your lips briefly to his, then all over his face as you listed off attributes you loved. "You are, by far, the sweetest, most caring, loving and adorable person I've had the pleasure of meeting, tattoos or otherwise. Just be yourself, you'll be fine; there's nothing to worry about." With a smile on your face, you smoothed out a couple wrinkles in his jacket. "Now come on, before we're late." A small laugh escaped your throat as you gently tugged him out to the car.

--Time skip brought to you by Frankie's perfect eyes--

You glanced at yourself in your compact's mirror, checking over your makeup once and taking a deep breath. Smoothing down your dress and fixing your necklace, you shut your eyes briefly and stepped out. Frank smiled softly, surely seeing the slight concern in your eyes, and squeezed your hand gently.

"Things will be fine. You said it yourself, there's nothing to worry about." He reassured, quickly kissing the corner of your mouth, which elicited a small smile from you as you turned and approached the door. You knocked nervously on the door, heartbeat quickening and grip on Frank's hand tightening a bit. As you straightened your posture, the door swung open. Your dad stood in the doorway.

"Hello, Father..." You greeted nervously, being closer to your mother since you were a child. Your father was always too expectant and pressuring; you eventually developed anxiety because you didn't want to disappoint him, so you constantly worried about what you were doing. The first anxiety attack you ever had was terrifying, at the age of eleven. Now, years later, you still worried about disappointing him. Your nerves calmed, albeit just a bit, as your mother approached the door. You greeted her with a nod. "Mother."

"Hello, (y/n)." She smiled softly, stepping over to the door. "And you must be Frank." Turning her attention from you to Frank, she smiled a bit more. You nodded, still nervous of what your father would think. A bit more of your worries faded away as you felt Frank run his thumb along your knuckles. You glanced quickly at him with a bit of a smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you both." He smiled back at your mother. "And might I add, Mrs. (l/n), I can see where (y/n) gets her stunning looks from." He added afterwards with a single nod. Your eyes widened and you went red; all your childhood you aspired to be as beautiful as you found your mom to be, but never thought it would be possible. As far as you were concerned, your mother was some kind of witch, who would cast a spell on herself every day to look as wonderful as she did, and even now did you worry that you weren't pretty enough, or skinny enough. Feeling the heat rush to your cheeks, you looked down at the ground, flustered.

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