Gerard - 2

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hi im here to vent through the form of an imagine ok thank u


Let's all start this off nice and agree that dogs are amazing. Good, now that that's out of the way, let's focus on the issue at hand; you.

You, and the fact that you were a sobbing mess. You, and the fact that you just had to make one of the hardest decisions of your adult life, and have your dog, Champ, put down. Granted, he was old - ancient in dog years - at fourteen, but that didn't lessen the hurt. It was eight at night, and your phone hadn't stopped buzzing since six, when you stopped responding to any and all human interaction.

Gee<3: hey sorry for not responding earlier xo career stuff, yknow?
Gee<3: ive tried calling you like seven times, you ok??
Gee<3: (y/n)?? you always answer whats wrong??
Gee<3: fuck, (y/n) im seriously starting to worry, if you dont start responding im gonna come down there and climb through your window

In your defence, you didn't mean  to make Gerard worry. You did mean to ignore any and all incoming calls or texts, though. You pulled your blanket over your head, ignoring the heatstroke you were bound to get under the thick material and blazing Jersey sun as another sob wracked your pathetic, crying form. A couple knocks sounded at your window, which you quickly brushed off as the trees slamming against the glass in the wind that must've started as you cried. When it cracked open, though, you gave a shaky sigh and turned away from the now open window, trying to calm your voice as feet landed on the floor and the window shut.

"Go away, Gee," you mumbled, wiping your eyes and wincing as your voice cracked. "I'm fine..." Gerard's eyes shot right through the blanket, you could feel his steady, sad gaze piercing into your back.

"You're not fine, sunshine," he said softly, slowly stepping closer. "And you're gonna get sunstroke if you hide under there..." The blanket was slowly pulled from you. You craned your neck a little, watching your boyfriend's expression fall as he caught sight of your puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. He sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a bit of hair away from your wet eyes and tucking it behind your ear before kicking his shoes off and laying next to you with an arm around your torso. "What happened?" You shook your head in response, sniffling and turning over, curling in on yourself and burying your face in Gerard's chest. He breathed out a sad sigh and rubbed your back, unable to help but crack the smallest of sad, sympathetic smiles as you tangled your legs with his tightly. You couldn't resist Gerard Way's cuddles, even in such a depressed state.

"I-I h-ha-had to get Ch-Champ p-put down..." You managed, absolutely loathing the uncontrollable, untameable stutter in your breaking voice. Gerard's breathing hitched, and he let out a shaky breath of his own, a sadness caused both by seeing you in such a state and hearing such sad news.

"I'm so sorry, sunshine..." He breathed out, tugging you closer to his chest, not seeming to care much that his shirt was getting rather damp and messy. Sunshine. The nickname pulled at your heartstrings, one he never used unless he knew, for sure, that you weren't okay, and it was damn obvious at the moment you weren't, but the sad tone just yanked at your emotions. "I know you loved him, and I know it hurts.. But he was old... He could barely stand... You did what was best for him, and I'm proud of you..." He cooed gently, running his fingers calmingly through your hair. You squeezed your eyes shut and sniffled, swallowing thickly before gasping shakily for breath between two sobs. "It's okay now," Gerard assured, voice a whisper as he gently tilted your head up, gently pressing his lips to yours. Then, slowly but surely, to your cheek, and gently all over your face.

"Thank you, moon." You couldn't help but laugh a little at the small gestures, sniffling again and wiping at your eyes, scrunching your face up. Gerard murmured something about your smile, one of his own pulling at his features as he did so, rubbing your back and kissing your nose before going to stand, to go back to his own house. "Wait," you said quickly, grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt, eyes wide and pleading. "S-stay the night..."

And stay the night he did, lulling you to sleep under the silver moonlight that had spilt across Jersey.

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