Mikey - 2

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In half an hour, you'd have your first solo interview since your band, Day Four took off. It was always you with your drummer or guitarists, a few times even everyone else. Today was different though, it'd be just you and the NOISE! interviewer.

NOISE!, as a group, seemed to have a record for pulling things out of their asses and making things what they weren't, but there wasn't any evidence against them you could find immediately, so you trusted them. All their interviews were posted to YouTube, on their official channel, with all those subscribers. Half an hour before the interview, you were doing your hair and makeup when you heard footsteps on the bathroom tile behind you. Shortly after, your boyfriend appeared in the mirror and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"You don't need any of this, you know," he purred smoothly, slowly pulling the brush you were using from between your fingers and setting it on the counter. You pouted and looked at him through the reflective surface.

"That's what you think, Mikes, not the interviewers." You sighed out, watching warily as your lover stepped around you, grabbing a makeup remover wipe and slowly pressing it to your face. He dragged it down from your forehead to your chin, then wiped half of your face before returning to his stance behind you.

"Well, I think this," he started, lightly brushing a bit of hair behind your ear. "Is just as pretty. And so will they. This interview is about who you are, not what you look like, anyway, it's safe to be casual." With a defeated sigh, you grabbed the moist wipe and cleaned off the rest of your face, eliciting a victorious grin from a certain bassist.

"Fine." You huffed, leaning back into him as he ran a calloused hand through your hair. After a moment of enjoying the contact, you pushed yourself away to change out of the uncomfortable, 'pretty hurts' outfit you had on. Mikey whined softly at the loss of contact but didn't protest, his face lighting up once again when he saw you emerge from the bedroom wearing his 'Mikey fucking Way' shirt and a pair of torn-up skinnies. He rushed over and engulfed you quickly in a hug, kissing your cheek and resting his hands on your waist.

"It's a twenty minute drive," he informed, glancing at the clock before quickly giving you a final peck on the lips. "You should get going. Have fun, don't say anything you'll regret."

"I won't, Mikey, I won't." You giggled softly, nuzzling against his chest for a moment in the sweet embrace before pulling away to slip your shoes on. Before you left, you turned quickly on your heel and hugged him tightly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "I love you." You whispered before grabbing your keys and running to the car.

With Mikey's warning, you got there with only a minute to spare, exchanging pleasantries with NOISE! staff as you were brought to the interview. The setup wasn't anything fantastic, though it did sort of remind you of Fuse, if anything. You shook hands with the interviewer - who you learned was named Justin - and took your seat as the cameras started rolling. The first few questions weren't anything spectacular, things about the band and your new record, Words Like Knives, but when it was starting to sound like they were running out of questions, you were a bit shocked.

"So," started Justin, leaning forward slightly in his chair. "The Mikey fucking Way shirt, what's that all about?" You paused - and, admittedly, heavily refused to look into the camera like on The Office.

"Oh, I -- I guess word somehow isn't everywhere by now," you responded, a little sassier than intended. "Mikey and I have been dating for about nine months now..."

"Ah. And, tell us, just because we love, well, love," Justin stopped to laugh for a short moment before clearing his throat and sitting upright. "Why do you love him? I mean, famous guy like him, right?"

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