27. Closing Space

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The heavy silence in the car seemed to carry the weight of unspoken emotions as the two siblings drove towards their parents' residence. Arnav, breaking the thick silence, cautiously addressed the evident tension.

"So, something is going on again?" he inquired, his eyes briefly flickering towards Ishita.

 She kept her gaze fixed ahead, responding quietly, "I haven't gotten a response, but yeah. We're running into each other more often, given our work field, so I'm positive that we will get back together."

Arnav sighed in frustration, unable to comprehend the depth of his sister's feelings. "Why are you obsessed with him, Isha? You've rejected many great guys just for him."

Her voice took on a quiet, reflective tone, "Because we were in a relationship for three years. Lived away from each other in pain for another six years. So, I'm sure I could never replace him."

Arnav's eyes softened, realizing the complexity of Ishita's emotions. He expressed concern, "Mom will never approve of it."

Ishita, her frustration bubbling to the surface, met his gaze and questioned, "Why? Why won't she approve of me and Siddharth? Do you know why?"

He shook his head, admitting his lack of understanding. She nodded with determination, "I'll convince them. I will keep trying. I love Sid, bhai. What should I do more to satisfy mom, and she would agree to my relationship with Siddharth?" Her voice cracked towards the end, revealing the internal struggle she faced.

Arnav, caught between the stubbornness of his parents and the deep love of his sister, sighed in the midst of their familial turmoil. The car carried the weight of unresolved emotions, moving forward on a journey that seemed tangled between love and familial expectations.

Upon their arrival at their parents' house, Ishita and Arnav greeted their father with warm birthday wishes. Continuing a cherished tradition, Ishita decided to make apple juice for her father. It was a practice that had its roots in her childhood when her mother couldn't attend her father's birthday. Ishita, in an attempt to cheer him up, had crafted a glass of apple juice with her small hands. Since then, it had become a sentimental tradition—her father enjoying a glass of apple juice from Ishita before partaking in his birthday meal.

As the family gathered for lunch, the atmosphere took a turn when Ishita's mother, seemingly unaware of her daughter's feelings, showed her pictures of a potential date. Unbeknownst to her mother, Ishita had other plans and decided it was time to reveal the truth.

"Mom," Ishita began, her brother sending her a warning look not to disclose anything just yet. Disregarding the silent plea, she continued, "I like a guy. So, I can't attend this date."

Her mother sighed, a hint of disappointment evident in her voice as she asked, "And who is that guy? I hope it's someone other than that Gupta guy."

Ishita replied, her gaze fixed elsewhere, "It's the same Gupta guy. Siddharth." The revelation hung in the air, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle between Ishita's personal choices and her family's expectations.

The atmosphere grew tense as Ishita's mother, seemingly oblivious to her daughter's feelings, stood up abruptly, leaving her food untouched. In a desperate plea, Ishita began, "Mom, please—" only to be interrupted with a stern declaration, "Ishita Raichand, anyone, you can like anyone, but that Gupta."

A wave of frustration and despair washed over Ishita as she couldn't comprehend her mother's opposition. She questioned in desperation, "Why can't that one be Siddharth, Mom?" The intensity in her voice revealed the emotional turmoil within.

In a moment of stern authority, her mother snapped back, "Because he doesn't deserve you." 

The room hung in silence for a moment as Ishita, unwilling to accept this decree, questioned, "Who decides that?"

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