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I finished brushing my teeth, getting ready to head to Tom's room so I could go to bed

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I finished brushing my teeth, getting ready to head to Tom's room so I could go to bed.

I was wearing grey biker shorts, the material going just past my inner thigh, with the matching sports bra, I loved sets like these because you could just wear it casually, or to bed. You could even work out in them!

So damn comfy.

I slid on my slippers down to Tom's room, I was about to knock, before I heard some light talking on the phone. I suddenly put my hand down.

"Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about." Tom groans.

"We barely know each other, how could I love her, you're being delusional!" He claimed.


"Bill, just shut up." I heard a beeping sound, indicating that the call had ended. I started walking back to my own room, shutting the door gently, I got into bed. Turning my lamp off.

I mean, yeah.. he does barely know me, so it makes sense, but still.

How could I love her?

He spoke as if It was the worst thing to ever come upon him. Almost like we'd never reach that point, I knew enough to know that, someday I would tell Tom that I loved him.

But not anytime soon.

So really it was just hypocritical for me to think like this, but I just... I don't know, when I was in the living room with him, it almost just rolled off my tongue like it was the most casual thing.

I've never told anyone I loved them.

Had he been in love before? Probably not, he's not the type to stick around, just like Evelyn and Alice said, he fucks and leaves.

He fucked you.

It felt like I had been sulking over him a lot lately, unconsciously a few tears had streamed down my face, and I didn't even notice until they had made a wet blotch, under my cheek.

Well fuck you too, no one planned on ever loving you either. I got deeper under the covers.

"Livvy?" He knocked on my door, creaking it open. I didn't respond, pretending to be asleep.

I heard his footsteps, nearing my bed. I felt it sink down from beside me. I kept my eyes closed, continuing the act. I felt his arms wrap around me, nuzzling his face into my neck.

He began planting small, kisses. His breath just barely wavering against my skin.

I wanted to hug him, really badly.

His eyelashes fluttered, I felt it every time he opened and closed his eyes, I wondered what his mind was filled of, and if he was thinking about me in specific, eh probably not.

I really wanted to wake her up

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I really wanted to wake her up.

I wasn't tired at all, but I didn't want to disturb her sleep, but I was also always finding myself being bored If I wasn't with her.

Wake her up, tell her you want to hang out.

I sighed. "Livvy?" I whispered, selfishly wanting to talk to her, instead of letting her sleep.

Her body turned, wrapping her arms around me now instead. Digging her head into my chest, I think she was still asleep though.

I played with some of her strands of hair, it was a full moon tonight. Some of the brightness from it shined in, casting a light amongst her face.

So beautiful. I thought to myself.

I found myself running my prints, against her full eyebrows, slicking the hairs down with the pad of my finger.

I traced my index and middle finger softly against her nose, the shape of her nose was narrow when it first started off, the space in between my fingers widened, reaching the bottom. I smiled to myself.

I let my thumb run across her bottom lip, it felt soft, they were unusually pink today. 

I want to kiss her.

I went down lower, placing a small peck. It wasn't too long, considering I didn't want her to wake up in the middle of me randomly kissing her, that would be... odd to explain.

"Please wake up, i'm so bored." I whined.

"Mm." She hums. "What's wrong?" Livvy mumbles, touching my cheek. I smiled. "I'm just really bored, i'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay... what do you want to do?" She asked, as her eyes slowly opened.

"Talk." I responded. "You woke me up to talk?" She laughs a little, moving her hands to my neck. Interlocking her fingers around it.

"I like your voice." I shrugged.

"You like my voice?" She raised her brows.

"I do." I nodded. "Interesting." She replies. "You can go back to sleep if you want..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

"You woke me up, just to tell me to go back to sleep? Make up your mind Tom." She got on top of my, resting her chin on my chest.

Liv bats her eyelashes, looking up at my face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I moved some of her hair that had gotten trapped under her arms. "You're pretty." Liv shrugs.

"I like your lip ring, I thought it was super ugly but, I like it now." She flicks it, starting to toy with the ring. I love you, too.

That's not what she said, idiot.

"That seemed really backhanded, but i'll take it." I laughed, she stayed silent. It seemed like she was thinking about something.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" I put my finger, against the side of her head.

"Are you going to stop being interested in me because you got in my pants?" Livvy suddenly asked, oh dear goodness where did that even come from.

"What?" I lifted her body off, of me. Flipping the way we were laying down.

"Evelyn and Alice, they said—" She spoke. "Gossiping bitches." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"I don't want to dig myself too deep into a hole and then never get out of it, so be honest." She poked and prodded at my chest.

"Am I not laying in your bed right now, losing my mind because you were asleep and I was bored?" I pointed out.

"Yeah, okay fair. Never mind."

"Well it seems like it's bothering you, so why don't you talk to me about it." If there was one thing I hated, it was miscommunication.

"I cringe trying to talk about my feelings, can't you just see what i'm thinking about by looking at my face?" She pulls at her facial features.

"I'm not superman, you have to tell me."

"Ugh... feelings." She shuddered.

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