Riddle's request | 19

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The two girls made their way down the stairs and into the Slytherin common room. There, Caelum and Zayn were sitting in an armchair waiting for her. The four exchanged a few greetings and left for the Great Hall. On their way up the dungeons, they walked in pairs. Zayn and Abigail chatting away at the front and Caelum and her followed closely behind. "Is Feather alright?" Caelum indicated a finger towards the blonde girl's back. "I saw her face tear-stained." Nyx shook her head and muttered out 'usual argument.'

They finally reached the large oak doors to the Great Hall and quickly found a seat at the Slytherin table. The quartet sat together and started to eat. There was a lot of chatting among them but Nyx mostly listened in on their gossip and didn't quite join in. The chatting soon died down when a loud flapping sound was heard above. The usual morning owls had come to deliver mail and parcels to their respective owners.

Today Ravenous had decided to join her. He stood out from the other owls so he was easily spotted. He landed gracefully in front of her and started to eat the leftover toast on her plate.

However, she wasn't the only one to receive a visit from a bird. A rather large barn owl landed not-so-gracefully beside Ravenous. It kind of hopped-turned around towards Abigail and stuck out its skinny leg. A neatly tied piece of paper was attached to it. Abigail gave a confused look and slowly removed the letter. This made the bird hop around because of its worn-out leg. Finally, the letter was removed and Abigail unfurled the letter. Her eyes quickly scanned across each letter. With every passing second, she seemed sadder.

At last, after finished reading, she let out a shaky sigh. "It's my dad's death anniversary." Zayn let out an 'oh' in response and tried to give her a reassuring hand squeeze, (they were sitting next to each other.)

She remembered the time when Abigail had told her about Grindelwald intruding on her house and finishing her father on the spot. She wanted to discuss it further but knew her friend was quite sensitive and was afraid she was going to break down if she brought it up. So instead, she decided against it and would ask only if she was certain the blonde-haired girl wasn't going to tear up.

"I've to attend the anniversary in two days. After school though, so you won't see me then." Nyx nodded her head in understanding and sent her a sort of reassuring smile. Abigail took the hint and sent her one right back.

While exchanging pleasant expressions, she didn't notice a tall figure walking towards her until they called out her name.


She was all too familiar with that voice and wasn't quite ready to face him yet but nevertheless, turned towards where the sound came from.

She put up a frown on her face and asked rather harshly, "What Riddle?"

Riddle ignored the rudeness and started to speak. "I want to discuss a matter with you."

When she didn't move an inch, he added, "in private."

She sighed and followed him out of the Great Hall but not before she caught sight of a worried Caelum looking her way.

The two ended up in an empty classroom. Riddle closed the door and the loud sound of students chattering was muffled.

"You wanted to talk about what exactly?" She asked, trying to keep her voice calm and collected.

"This Christmas, I am going to attend the Malfoy's usual Christmas party where Pure-bloods from all around Britain gather." He started, his face ridden of any emotion.

"In doing so, I need a partner to attend with me. It's tradition, after all. And I want you to be my partner to attend the party."

"Why me?" She asked curiously, already planning on how to reject him rudely.

"Because you're not clingy like the other girls. You don't drool over me. You act normal around me. And most importantly, you seem the most capable of not tarnishing my name." She scoffed at his reasons.

"You barely even know me."

He raised a questioning brow and slowly made his way towards her. The gap between them was smaller and smaller until he was inches away from her. She refused to back down and instead, stood rooted in spot.

Riddle leaned into her ear and whispered, "Do I? You see, I can be very, persuasive." He said the last word so softly she barely heard it.

As if nothing had happened, he had already leaned back and was standing a respectful distance away from her.

She shook her head at him. "I'm not going with you. I'm already going with someone else."

"Then drop them and come with me."

"And what if I don't?"

He only gave her a bored look and said, "Stop being childish. I only need you to enter the manor with me and then, you can wander off to wherever you like."

She thought about it for a while and finally agreed. "Fine, but I'm only seen with you when we enter the manor, alright?"

Riddle nodded his head and left the classroom, leaving her alone for a couple of minutes. She chose to give it a couple of minutes because if any wandering student spotted the two of them leaving an empty classroom together, it would be quite suspicious.

When she did leave, she returned back to her group of friends. But now, only Caelum was sitting at the table, the rest had already left for their classes. Caelum and she had their classes in their second period. "What did Riddle want?" He asked after she took a seat opposite of him. "Just a request I walk into the Malfoy Manor with him, as his partner." When she saw his face twist into something of disbelief, she quickly added, "But don't worry. I'll be joining by your side right after we are in." His face morphed into a calm expression and sighed in relief. "Speaking of Riddle, what did he want with you after he chased me out of the charms classroom? Yesterday night." Her mind went back to her moment with Riddle and her stomach churned.

"Oh, nothing eventful. Unless you count the part where he taught me how to waltz."

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