Eldritch Diety x Servant Male Reader

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[Y/n P.O.V.]

    I opened my eyes and was standing right up. In front of me was a 175-foot tall goat woman. She was my new master.

Woman : Your nightmareness...

Goddess : Hmm...

    She took her face out her oversized book and looked to us.

Woman : My name is Horunes, your Nightmareness.

Goddess : I'm well aware of who you are.

Horunes : R-Right... *gulp* Anyways, I present you with your own personal vaxe.

    A vaxe was essential a humanoid slave, but for entertainment. (I looked like a lizardman.) They're given infinite regeneration. This kept their minds from falling apart by looking at Eldritch deities, as well as allowing the goddesses to torture us as much as they please. I bow before my new mistress.

Y/n : It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Stelyna.

Stelyna : *sigh* I'm sure it is.

Y/n : Please allow me to serve you in any way possible.

    Horunes grabs my collar.

Horunes : *soft irritation* Don't you dare mess up. Be perfect for her.

    My creator left the room. I was now left alone with the massive goat lady. I just stood there until further notice.

Stelyna : ... Ugh. It's been 20 minutes. Don't just stand their and... well, stand.

Y/n : Am I boring you, my lady.

Stelyna : A-... Hmmm, I kind of like my lady. Call me that from now on.

Y/n : Of course. What else do you like to be called?

    She puts down her book.

Stelyna : What?

Y/n : Names. You know, titles. Shall I give examples, mistress.

Stelyna : No. Um... well, I love my lady. All the other titles get kind of boring.

Y/n : Well, my lady, I must tell you that I have a bug. I'm not perfect, so you can throw me away if you want.

Stelyna : What did you just say?

Y/n : You can throw me away if you want.

Stelyna : No, before that.

Y/n : I have a bug.

Stelyna : Hmmm... a flaw. I haven't seen one of those in years. Lady Acun is so determined to make everything so called "perfect." It gets so annoying.

Y/n : I could imagine. My lady, if you don't mind me asking, what book were you reading?

Stelyna : Oh, this. It's a book from the plan Urena. One of their most popular, actually. My army recently ravaged their planet, and they brought me back this book, as well as a few others that were in perfect condition. It's about a ruler who loses everything and has to start from scratch. It's pretty interesting.

Y/n : Fascinating.

Stelyna : Do you want to read it with me?

Y/n : I-Is that really ok, my lady?

Stelyna : Who's your master again?

Y/n : No, I mean, the system.

Stelyna : Eh, who cares? They're much more concerned with Viso'Momu. She's such a little rule breaker. Always has been.

    Stelyna starts levitating me up to her shoulder and sits me down. She then spawn a replica of the book in my lap, but it was proportioned to my size.

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