I Bumped Into A Dead Guy

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"Alex, what if the people here are hostile? What'll we do then?!" Alex heaved a sigh. "I don't know, Kris. Wing it?" He says sarcastically to his sister. Kris sticks out her tongue, crossing her arms. "I'd rather not unexpectedly join a cult after fleeing an exploding planet." Alex stopped walking, turning to look at Kris. "Joining a cult it a lot better than exploding with the planet, right?" Kris sighed. "You're right." They continued walking in silence, approaching a stream of water. "Is this the real deal: pure water?" Kris crouched down at the stream bank, putting her hand in the water. "Alex, we just found water." Kris scoops water up in her hand, taking a gulp of it. Alex pulls out his canteen, filling it up. "Atleast we won't dehydrate." Alex says, washing the grim off of his arms and face.

~ After cleaning up and hydrating, the siblings continued walking and approached a bustling village.

"Civilization? In the middle of no where? Sounds like Verion 2.0." Kris remarked, standing on the edge of the cliff. "Should we head over? It seems friendly." Kris looked to Alex. He shrugged. "It's better than getting hunted down by something out here. They headed down the mountain and jogged toward the village, holstering their guns. Walking into the village, Kris looked around at all the people and smiled. "It doesn't seem like anyone here is part of a cult." Alex noticed a few soldier-looking people hanging out by a bar, talking seriously.

"What's wrong?" Kris looked at Alex, nudging his side. "Nothing, I just..there's soldiers. Over there." Kris looked over to where he motioned. "Huh," She said. "Why would a small village have soldiers?" They continued on walking, searching for a motel or somewhere to stay. Kris had managed to run into a tall man, angering him slightly. Alex stared at the man as Kris apologized and the man sternly scolding her. "Sir?" Alex said, adjusting his backpack. "Yes?" The man said, looking Alex up and down. "Do you know a place where we can stay? We just came across this village after escaping from a...bombed city." The man pondered, than shrugged. "Sure, come with me. It's not a permanent place, but it'll be okay for you two for now."

~The man took them to a tall stone building, the window tinted blue and orange. The same group of soldier people walked inside before them.

"And then he said, 'Nightwind! Don't you know who I am?'" The group laughed, walking up a flight of stairs. "You two can stay in the same room, right?" The man asked the siblings. "Yeah," Alex replied. "Here's your room then." The man opened a door to a mediumly sized room, a bed and a bookshelf occupying the space. "If you need anything, just ask someone." The man closed the door and walked away. "He seems..okay..?" Kris says, throwing her pack on the bed. "We're in a military base." Alex scoffed, shaking his head. "Unbelievable. Are you sure I'm not dead?" Alex asked Kris. "If you were dead, would we be in a desert wasteland?" They laughed.

"I'm getting kinda hungry," Kris says just as her stomach growls. "I'm gonna go see if I can find someone and get some grub. You comin'?" Alex shakes his head. "Alright," Kris stepped out into the hallway, looking around for someone. "You!" Kris yells, spotting a man in a red plaid shirt. "Yes?" Kris runs up to him, panting. "Do you know where I can get some food? My brother and I are starving." The man stares at her. "Who let you in here?" Kris stood still, tilting her head. "I'm actually not sure of his name, he was just really tall and kinda nice." The man clicked his tongue. "Ion. Wow." A girl approached them, arms crossed. "Newbie or something?" The girl eyes Kris. "Don't think she's a recruit," The man wraps his arm around the girls waste and kisses her cheek. "She wants food." The girl walks past Kris. "Follow me, the cafeteria is this way."

~Kris follows the girl, finding out her name is Cazh and the man's name is James.

"You two dating or something?" Cazh shakes her head. "No, it's just a sexual relationship." Kris laughs. "Ion. His named sounds really familiar." Cazh turns to Kris, holding a wad of paper. "Well, he's the hero of this town and more. Surprised you didn't freak out about meeting him." Kris shrugs. "I haven't heard about him much except for back on my old planet."

~Cazh buys Kris some food for her and her brother and leaves, not until after telling her about a few of the people in the league.

*Ion; Pretty much the leader. *Don; Ion's brother. Real cool guy. Likes flamethrowers. *James; Has a little brother. He's an okay guy. *Midnight; Shadow Cerberus disguised as a human. Nice guy. *Chyanne; Chill girl, not social. Good fighter. *Riley; Another cool guy, not very social either. *John (Ranger); Documents events, watches everything. *(I forgot a lot of the others. These are the popular ones.) [WILL UPDATE WHEN I FIGURE OUT MOST OF THEM]

"I just met the nicest girl..and you'll never guess what, Alex!" Alex stopped putting his stuff away, turning to face Kris. "What?" Kris jumped onto the bed, smiling broadly. "You remember the man who brought us in here? He's Ion." Alex glared at Kris. "He's dead, remember? His city got bombed first."

"Don, James, Midnight, Chyanne, Riley, all of them! Alive!" Alex sat down on the bed, breathing fast. "I can't believe it.. how are they alive?" Kris shrugged. "Parallel universe? We did go through that weird portal in space by accident." Alex leaned back and laid flat out on the bed. "They're famous and now they're holed up here?! All of them?" Kris nodded, shaking the bed. "This is amazing..I have to meet them all, I have to..we could become part of this!"

"Become part of what?" A voice said at the door, a broad man staring at them. "Uh.."

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