Back to December

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Back to December

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Back to December

It had been a few weeks since Lilly lost her virginity to Chase. After that night she avoided him like the plague. Finally she moved to Athens and got situated on campus. Abigail was her roommate and she was so excited. She got right back into her routine. But then one day while walking to class she got a whiff of something. Next thing she knew she had her head in the trash can puking her guts up.

"Are you okay?" Abigail asks.

"I think so, now." Lilly replies.

"You should go to the campus clinic and get checked out." Abigail says.

"Yes it's been happening more and more." Lilly says.

"I am free for the next two hours.... Want me to come with?" Abigail asks.

"Please." Lilly asks.

She was scared. Abigail helped her clean up and they headed off to the clinic. Lilly was taken back to an exam room pretty quickly. After the Nurse Practitioner listened to her and she jotted down some notes.

"Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" She asks.

"Oh shit!" Lilly says getting a look of horror on her face.

She was handed a cup and Lilly went and filled it with a specimen. From there the Nurse Practitioner dipped a pregnancy test in and they waited.

    From there the Nurse Practitioner dipped a pregnancy test in and they waited

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After the longest three minutes of her life she got the news she didn't want. She was pregnant. They did a blood test and confirmed it. Lilly then agreed to a sonogram and found out how far along she was and when she was due. Finally she headed back to the apartment with Abigail.

"You are pregnant Lilly! Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me you found someone!" Abigail says.

"I didn't. Well not really." Lilly says.

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