Mad Woman

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It's been a few months  since Nathan's Memorial service and Lilly left

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It's been a few months  since Nathan's Memorial service and Lilly left.     She took a leave of absence from HMS and basically checked out from life.      All she did was lay in bed with Nathan's urn.  

She filed for divorce from Chase, she wanted nothing to do with him.    But she didn't stop the kids from seeing him because they were his kids too.      

Lilly was laying in bed with the urn crying.     She felt the bed move.

"Mom." Georgia says hugging her.

"Hey sweetie." Lilly says.

"I'm home again.   My wedding is tomorrow.  I need my mom there." Georgia says.

"I will be there baby girl.   I wouldn't miss it for the world.    I know how happy RJ makes you." Lilly says.

"Daddy is going to walk me down the aisle and be there.    You guys need to talk." Georgia says.

"There isn't much to say G.    Like at all." Lilly says.

"Please.    Daddy is grieving to and needs you mom.    He's lost weight and is drinking.    We are all worried about him.    We are worried about you too mom." Georgia says.

"I am fine just trying to get through this." Lilly says.

"I know mom.   I know you lost Nathan tragically and I get that your upset.  But remember you have 21 other kids that need their mother." Georgia says.

She then gets up and runs out of the room. Lilly sobbed at that. She was a terrible mom.

A few days had passed and Lilly pulled herself out of the bed and was doing what she could to help with the wedding.     It was the night before the wedding and the rehearsal dinner.     Lilly was dreading having to he bet Chase.     They arrive at the hotel they were having it at.    Lilly walked into the room.     Chase was sitting in there.    Before Lilly could turn and walk out the door shut and was locked.

"Hey what is going on?" Lilly yells out trying to open it.

"You and dad need to talk!" Willow yells from the other side.

"Willow Leanne Elliott Bowman open this door right now." Lilly yells.

"Willow is right mom.    You and dad need to talk!" Lil Chase yells as well.  

"They are right baby we do need to talk." Chase says.

Lilly whirled around and was about to let him have it when she got a good look at him.     He looked sick.

"Oh god, are you okay?" Lilly asks worried.

"Yeah why?" Chase asks.

"You lost a lot of weight.   Are you okay?" Lilly asks.

"Loosing your son and then your wife will do that to you." Chase says.

"Chase don't guilt me. " Lilly says.

"I'm not.    I love you Lill please don't give up on me, on us." Chase says closing the gap between them.

"I love you too Chase, always have always will." Lilly says.

"Please come home." Chase says dropping to his knees.

"Chase." Lilly says.

"Please." Chase begs looking up locking eyes with hers.  

Lilly got down on the floor with him.     She doesn't say anything she just kisses him.      It was like a damn broke and all the emotions came out.      Chase picks her up.     Clothes were shred in route to the bed.       Chase lays her back on the bed.  

"Make love to me Chase." Lilly begs.

"God I missed this." Chase says and he sinks into her slick.

"Me too baby me too." Lilly says.

Tears were rolling down her eyes as they slowly moved together.

Chase made love to her multiple times until they both orgasmed over and over.     They sink down on the bed.

"I love you Lil." Chase says.

"I love you too.    I am sorry I was such as bitch to you. " Lilly says.

"All forgiven baby.   Just please come home."  Chase says.

"I will after the wedding." Lilly says.

Chase kisses her head.     They end up making love a few more times before falling asleep snuggled together.

The next morning they were let out.      They helped both RJ and Georgia get ready.     Finally Chase and Georgia head down the aisle. Chase hands her hand to RJ and he helps her up to where he was standing.

"We gather here today to celebrate the joining of Ryan Michael Blaney and Georgia Atlanta Elliott. IF anyone feels these two shouldn't be married then speak now or forever hold your peace." Aj says.

Since no one said anything, he continues with a blessing. It was now time for RJ and Georgia to recite their vows.

RJ went first.

"I take you Georgia , to be my wife ,to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part." RJ says.

It was now Georgia's turn.

"I take you Ryan, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part." Georgia says.

It was then time to do the rings. Lil Chase hands one to Chase and the other to Lilly.

"Georgia, I give you this ring as a token of my love and devotion. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife. Georgia Atlanta with this ring I do wed." RJ says as he places it onto her finger.

"Ryan, I give you this ring as a token of my love and devotion. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife. Ryan Micheal with this ring I do wed." Georgia says as she puts the ring on his finger.

"By the power invested in me, by the internet. I now pronounce you husband and wife. May I now introduce you all to Mr. and Mrs. Blaney. Ryan you may now kiss your bride." Aj says

RJ kisses Georgia passionately as everyone cheers.

A few minutes later they head down the aisle followed by the rest of the bridal party.  The guests then leave and shower RJ and Georgia with well wishes and hugs.    They all start to trickle out to head to the reception at the hotel.    They had turned it into a reception hall.   Lilly  and Chase took a lot of pictures.   They took bridal party pictures too.    Finally they head to the hotel.    They were announced and they head inside.    All their family and friends were waiting.   They mingle around the room seeing everyone. Finally they sit down and they eat.    They had a buffet style dinner with all their favorites.  

The wedding went off without a hitch and Lilly and Chase were happy.     Willow and Lil Chase decided to keep the little kids and Lilly and Chase went to their cabin on the Christmas tree farm.      They made love all night long getting to know each other all over again.

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