"We can be drenched together" [Minsung]

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"I understand I'm late on my assignment but the tv show I was watching is a part of the project, Mrs. Choi," Jisung spoke after everyone left the auditorium.

The professor looked like she was struggling to stay professional and was about to smack the shit out of the boy. But that's just the Jisung effect.

"And what that tv show would be about?"

Jisung's eyes lit up as if he was asked about the love of his life. He rested his elbows on her tall table and began ranting.

"So there's this smoking hot psychopath dude who kidnaps random guys and keeps them in cages and stuff, tortures them and kills them and fuck he's so hot when he does anything violent. Or when he just breathes, you know? Like, can he kidnap me next please? You should totally watch it, cause that man will have you on your KNEES-"

"Mr. Han! You are not at home. Some conversations are meant to stay there," she scolded.

Jisung fought the urge to roll his eyes. He took off his elbows from the table and tried acting serious.

"Right. I got off topic. The show is about Psychopathy and I'm doing a research on it for my project. It is almost done, I swear. I'll send it to you until tomorrow."

"Fine. But don't expect a perfect grade. I'll be taking off a bit of your points for missing the deadline."

"That's fine! Have a good evening, Mrs. Choi!" Jisung said and nearly ran out of the auditorium.

He strolled to his locker and mumbled insults to the whole education system under his nose. It was already hard enough with homework and now the deadlines for projects got shorter because 'students have to get ready for the real world'. Well Susan, the real world is a bunch of procrastination and 'fuck it' attitude so Jisung's sure he'll be just fine.

Just to his luck he bumped into someone right after turning the corner.

"Fuck, sorry," he mumbled and got ready to leave but was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Jisung? What are you doing here? The university is almost empty," said Chan. He had his usual outfit that screamed 'I work here!' and carried his book bag over one shoulder.

"Oh you know just wanted to admire these sickening white walls and sing hallelujah in the halls," Jisung sarcastically said and pulled out his phone to type a message to Minho but waited for their conversation to end first. He didn't want to act like a complete jerk to his friend.

"Jisung...did you cause trouble for another professor again?"


"Jisung," he said strictly and frowned.

"Okay yeah, maybe I did. It's not a big deal this time. I can deal with it." Jisung was getting tired of this. Chan always tried helping him with his studies even after he refused so many times. This man was too kind for this world, Jisung knew that well.

"Okay but tell me which subject it is. If you don't want my help I could at least check it to see if it's good enough to send it over."

"Chan no-"

"It's only yes or yes. We'll talk about this at home, now go. I see you're itching to type on that phone." He pointed to Jisung's phone and patted his shoulder before walking off.

Jisung ruffled his hair and typed a quick text to Minho to let him know he's coming home now. He put on a jacket, placed unnecessary textbooks in the locker to have a smoother walk home and left the university building.

Halfway to his apartment a car drove past him and his reaction was too slow to move out of the way. The puddle near him splashed him all over and the car drove off. His lips automatically spit out a few curse words towards it before turning away walking the rest of the way in drenched clothes.

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