"Spit it out, now!" [Jeongchan]

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"Alright, thanks guys! Oh, and can I get more of those candies? They're so delicious, I could eat my own fingers," Jeongin spoke to the complete strangers in the van. They offered to drop him off and he agreed without another thought.

A woman smirked and ordered her friends to hand Jeongin a few of those candies from an odd looking jar.

"Thank you!" Jeongin climbed off the van and the people drove off while laughing like maniacs. He waved at them with a confused smile.

When the van was out of sight Jeongin took a look at his surroundings and froze. That wasn't his street.

A few pairs of eyes looked him down from their dirty rags on the ground. Their faces could barely be seen by how dirty they were and clothes weren't any better. Jeongin realized he was at the red part of the city.

"Damn," he voiced and sucked on a popsicle. He gave a nasty eye to the creepy man coming his way but tripped over his ripped jeans. Jeongin walked past him and threw a couple of popsicles on the man's lap.

"Take the mint ones. You need it more than I do." And then he walked off to god knows where, just looking around rather than searching for a way home.

After around 10 minutes he got tired of all the staring like he didn't belong or like he was a meal so he pulled out his phone and contacted a person that was the most mature.

"Hello?" Chan answered.

Jeongin pushed the popsicle to his cheek so he could talk better. "Sup, dude. Listen, I need you to pick me up cause I have no idea how to get home."

"What now? Where are you?"

The younger tsk'ed. "I just told you I don't know where home is. How should I know where I am?" He yeeted his last popsicle at a female's face when she got too close to his liking and change his route.

He heard Chan sigh. "Okay, well describe your surroundings. Or if you know how, send me your location."

Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Of course I know how. You're the old one here, not me." He ignored the older's mumbling and sent him his location.

"I got it. Oh- wow okay how did you even get there?" Chan sounded surprised or maybe even impressed.

The younger shrugged even though he knew Chan couldn't see him and kicked a rock on his way. He had one hand resting in his pants pocket, staying warm while the other was freezing. He wished for the conversation to end quicker cause he felt like by the end of the call there won't be no hand left.

"Was it one of Felix's dumb challenges?"

"Yes and no. Lix wanted to do like a treasure hunt by sending me a photo and I had to find that location and then get a surprise gift. I thought it was pretty cool."

"Felix sent you to a red zone?!"

"Nah, let me finish. So I looked for the location in the city square and since I'm brilliant at direcrions and I totally don't get distracted by everything I went towards this pastel purple van that played some badass songs. There was this rapper who kept repeating 'fix on' and I thought it was cool so I asked for the song name. I didn't get it though-"

"Just get to the point, Innie." Jeongin could imagine Chan rubbing his forehead in dissapointment.

"Right. So I started a conversation with them and talked about my treasure hunt and they offered to drive me there and then bring me home and I thought it was really sweet-"

"Hold up. You just willingly went inside their van without any suspicion? Jeongin, are you okay?"

"But it was PURPLE. Who would expect to get kidnapped in a pastel purple van? NO OnE." Jeongin bit on the candy and felt weird liquid spill out and spread in his mouth. He grimaced at it.

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