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I don't know how but I slept all night wich is a good thing.Because if I would have spent on thinking about Jungwon you would have seen eye bags on my face.

Today I woke up pretty early si I decided to get ready and go out.Today it was pretty chilly out and I was going to hang out with Jungwon.It didn't show on my face but my heart was doing backflips from the excitement.

It didn't show on my face but my heart was doing backflips from the excitement

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The outfit I chose was pretty comfy.
I went downstairs to see my parents sitting on the dining table eating breakfast."Dohee would you want to sit down too?"My dad asked probably beacuse I never eat with them most of the times I eat outside or sometimes I forget.

"No thank you dad,I'm was just about to go grab breakfast with Jungwon."He nodded and told me to have fun.While mom was reading the news on her extreme large ipad.

I said goodbye and went out the door.Jungwon had some work to do so he couldn't come to pick me up.I didn't actually mind so I picked my car from the garage and left to the location Jungwon told me to.

It was a cute spot the blossoms from the trees covered the paths and made it look like an entrance to a sweet world filled with warmnes and cuteness.I sat on a bench admiring the view and took some pictures.

After a while I felt a presence that sat on the same bench as me.I was going to get up when a smelt the cologne that Jungwon uses and I turn to the persence.Seeing Jungwonlooking like a little kid trying to get candy from his mom."Hey,cutie."He said and hugged me."I missed you so much."He also said making me feel warm on my stomach."Missed you too."I hugged him even tighter.

"Lets go eat."Jungwon said taking my hand on his.

Jungwon pov

The girl hugged me tighter and made me flush in warmness.Im never going to forget on how we met.Very coincidental.Her parents have told me that she forgets to eat many times.And I have noticed it too.She looks thin and I'm worried of her breaking into tiny pisces.I know she can take care of herself but food I've rarely seen her eat a full meal without doing some type of work or anything else.

End of Jungwon pov

"What do you want to eat?"I ask beacuse I'm not familiar with the place."How about we order it's specialty and just eat that."He said and I nodded."I'll get a frappuccino you?"Jungwon asked and I looked at the menu."Umm,green tea."He went to order and I just scrolled on my phone to see if there were any new text messages.

Jungwon came back and sat in front of me."Do you like the place?"He asked."Yeah I thinks it's so cute like the blossoms make it feel warm."He listened to me talk without losing his attention wich made me see him ina diffrent light.When were with other people he looks cold and doesn't talk much.But when we are alone he turned into a little kitty cat.

"Heres is your order.Enjoy."The waitress placed our order at our table."Thank you."We both said and looked at each other.The food looked so good.Even though I wasn't very hungry I ate it that's because Jungwon put effort into this.I didn't want to waste it over nothing."The food is delicious."I said and Jungwon looked at me with soft eyes.He nodded and just ate his food.Ive got to be honest the green tea I drank was the best one I have ever tried.

After finishing our food Jungwon payed and we left to take a walk.
"What did you do this morning?"I asked him beacuse he came pretty late."Oh I had some extra work to do at the company so I finished it as soon as I could."He said swinging his hand and mine back and forth."We're you worried,cutie?"Jungwon asked me.That nickname makes me fall into my knees and the way he says it."Well you could say that."I said and pulled him with me when I was running.I saw a cotton candy stand and wanted to get it."Jungwon wait here for a second."He nodded and waited for me.

I went up to the cotton candy stand to buy two."Can I get two of the pink ones."The man that sealed them gave two pink cotton candies to me and I payed."Thank you!"I said and left to Jungwon.He realized what I got and laughed looking at me.

"Here you go."I gave him one."So you ran as fast as you could for cotton candy?"He asked and I nodded."Well if it is for cotton candy then yeah."I said and he smiled looking at me.The smile he always gives me wich makes me fall harder for him each day I see him."You're so cute~"He said and took my hand to walk again I just followd him but my mind was occupied by the cotton candy.

Me and Jungwon just got to know more about each other's life as we walked at the cherry blossom park.

After walking a lot more I saw a girl that looked familiar to me.If it wasn't Somin then I wouldn't know who.She seemed to be on a dat3 with her boyfriend the way she laughed made me think so.I told Jungwon to come with me as I walked up to her.They were buying lollipops.

"Babes what you doing here?"I asked her and she turned at me recognizing my voice."Oh Dohee,you scared me.Im just on a date babe.You?"Somin said wich I figured out because she doesn't hang out with boys mist of the time."Well me too.But hence we're here why don't you introduce me to your boyfriend."I said lookinga t her she seemed a bit shy.But he guy came back to her after buying the lollies for her.

"Jay hyung,what are you doing here?" Jungwon asked the guy which Somin was with."You know him?"I asked looking at Jungwon."Yeah his one of my best friends,you didn't tell me you're coming here too."Jungwon said."What a small world we live in." I said but Somin just looked lost.

"Welk then we're leaving you guys to enjoy your date."I said pulling Jungwon with me."She never told me who she was dating."I said a bit sad but respected her decision."He didn't either.Well if that's what they think is the best I support it."Jungwon said picking some cherry blossom that were falling from the tree.

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