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"Look, I am seriously just trying to have a nice evening out. Alone," Louis tells the paparazzi as he was walking down the street. "We just want to know what's next for Mr. Tomlinson," the male with the camera says and Louis just rolled his eyes before he turned his head to look at t the stranger.

"And I'm telling you that you aren't going to get the answer right now. Maybe when people are off of my dick, then I just might tell the world what I'm up to. However, I can't do that now when taking care of my mental health is my top priority. Now sod off," he tells him and walks into a coffee shop. The worker brightened up when she saw Louis and she waved at him happily. "Oh my gosh! I love you Louis!" She exclaimed and even though it gave him a slight headache, he smiled at her and approached the counter. "Oh? Well I love you too darling. I would like some Yorkshire Tea please?" He asked and reached to his back pocket to retrieve his wallet.

"You don't have to pay!" "Of course I do. I don't want there to be special treatment just because of where I stand in society. It's $11.34, correct?" He asked and the girl nodded her head. "Oh my God! This is like... The best day ever! Can I get a picture?" She asked, sounding really excited, and even though Louis really didn't want to risk letting the rest of his fans know where he was, he really didn't want to upset this lady.

"Oh, why not," he tells her and she grows more excited. They took a picture and they talked for a little bit longer until Louis heard his name being called. He thanked them before leaving and of course... paparazzi was right there. They continued to ask him a million more questions, but he just decided to ignore them, not wanting his headache to get worse.

When Louis stopped by Liam's house, Liam hugged him and welcomed him inside. "Dude... Today is so brutal. All I wanted to do was enjoy my day away from work, but no... I got stopped by a paparazzi two times and I had to deal with a fan. The fan wasn't so bad, but I was already irritated and her screaming was not helping me at all..." He tells Liam as the two of them were hanging out on Liam's couch. "You really need a vacation mate," Liam advised and Louis nodded his head. "And I've tried that. I've tried to go on a walk. I tried listening to relaxing music. Everything that should calm a person down, I have tried it. Nothing seems to work though!"

"Hmm... Have you tried a massage?" "I don't know... I've heard some fishy stuff about that..." "They aren't true Louis. Well, most of the massage parlors aren't like that. There is one that I go to all of the time." "Is it the one where Zayn works?" "That is where we met, but I'm serious. That place is very respectful." "You can't say that when you have your boyfriend working there..." "You know how Zayn is, you pervert. He is very professional and he doesn't let personal matters enter his work life. Anyways, I'll share the location with you and just take my word for it okay. If you don't like it, then I'll pay you back for your appointment," he tells his friend and Louis just sighed and nodded his head.

"Are there more male workers? I don't think I'll feel comfortable with one of my best friends touching me... while in the nude," Louis stated and Liam nodded his head. "Knowing this place, they will likely pair you up with one of the best..." "They didn't do that with you? You're a celebrity too?" "They did. Zayn is apparently the second best out of that place." "There's someone better than Zayn?" "Yeah. I had the guy only once, but Zayn took over when the guy called in sick." "And you requested Zayn every time ever since, huh?" "Zayn is more like my type and he's hot, so of course."

Louis hears more about this place and even though he was still a bit skeptical about this whole massage thing, he's willing to try it out. Like Liam said, if he doesn't like it, then he'll get his money back one way or another.

Let's see how this goes....

My masseuse (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now