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"I don't think that you understand what I'm telling you Liam... I got a hard on!" "Louis! Not so loud. How much is the coffee again?" "$6.20 please," the worker says and Liam pulls out his wallet. Meanwhile, I was still swimming with embarrassment. The worker looked at me and I just nodded at her and looked back at my friend. We waited for hi scoffed, but as we were waiting, I was still talking about the sexy lad that worked his magic on me yesterday.

"So you really got hard as he was massaging you?" "Yes! And the worst part is that it was to the point where he was able to see it... I can never go back there again..." "Oh come on man. You should be okay. Zayn has told me many stories where his customers would get turned on just by looking at him. I'm sure that Harry is no different," Liam tried to reason with me, but I don't think that he understands how much gravity this holds on me...

I look up and shake my head, but I froze.

Because right at the counter was the one guy that I was hoping to never see again... The guy who worked on me and saw... You know...

"Oh my God! He's freaking here," I said and Liam turned and looked. "Oh yeah. Zayn is with him. He wanted to join us for coffee and he mentioned that he was going to bring his friend." "Zayn betrayed me... What is his relationship with that guy anyways? Because if he's not bes-" "They are best friends. They met in uni and they have been inseparable since then," Lima tells me and I was afraid of that. Because that means that there is a possibility of this not being the only time where Zayn will bring him around...

"Babe!" Zayn exclaimed and I jumped a little and looked up again. Zayn and Liam hugged and then kissed. Meanwhile, Harry was looking at me. He smiled at me when he noticed that I was looking right back at him. He placed his coffee down in the spot right next to me and it felt like my heart stopped when he took the seat next to me.

"Hello, I believe that a more proper introduction is in order, yeah? My name is Harry," he introduced and offered his hand to me. I looked at it and then at him. Does he not recall the last time we met? I didn't think that shaking hands would be something that he would do. More like a restraining order of some sort? Maybe cuss me out? That would be reasonable too... I don't deserve to shake hands with him when the last time that I saw him... little junior made an appearance.

"He's kicking himself because his li-" "Shut up!" I shouted and kicked him in the shin. "Fucking hell! I was trying to tell you that it's fine!" "It really is. I'm used to that happening. Sometimes clients would cancel just by seeing me because they were turned on," Harry said and I blushed, still glaring at Liam.

"Really though. It's fine. It's natural and it's not a bad thing at all. Hopefully this doesn't stop you from returning?" Harry questioned and I looked at him. "You really want me to come back?" I asked and Zayn sighed. "We are used to it Louis. That's what the three of us are trying to tell you. Harry isn't disgusted. Besides, you were covered. It wasn't like you were stark naked. Alright, we've gotten those too," Zayn spoke and shook his head. "Oh my God, remember that one customer I told you about? He was a real creep..." Harry brought up and I saw him shiver.

"He tried to get you yesterday! Did you know?" "No I didn't. Are you serious?" "Yeah, he was seriously causing a scene when we told him that you were booked. He then saw me and he... Fucking gross, but he approached me and asked if I was free with the most creepiest smile that I have ever seen." "What did you say? You didn't take him, right?" "Of course I didn't. I told him that I was booked and that I was just waiting for my guest to pick their scent. When he finally left, we put him on the don't book list." "Y'all have those?" I asked and Harry looked at me.

"Yeah. They are mainly for either rude customers or creeps like this guy." "What did he do with you?" "Well I was doing my usual routine as he didn't request for a specific massage and he got a boner. I asked if he wanted to stop, because it was required for us to ask." "Not necessarily required, but we do it because it could make people feel uncomfortable," Zayn added and Harry nodded. "Exactly, but he told me that he didn't. Which I was cool with because I just guessed that he was going to be chill about it and deal with it later."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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