~ Christmas ~

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Everyone was huddled down into the living room in their sweaters and coats. The winter was at its peak these days with snow covering the lands. In this cold season some good things are also going to arrive and that is Christmas and Taehyung's Birthday. These seven boys have decided to celebrate Christmas but in a different way than they usually do.

Jin Placed the bowl full of chits onto the table as the boys surrounded it. The order of picking up the chits was decided by the fair game of Rock, Paper and scissors and Jungkook being the winner extended his hand outwards to grab a chit. Everyone held their breaths as he opened it and He giggled at the name confusing the others.

One by one all of them picked out their chits as Jimin pouted because unlike the others who had a choice of picking one chit from others, He had none. He was the last person to pick a chit and only one chit was left in the bowl. He picked it up, opening it feeling happy because of the name written on it.

"We have one week to buy gifts and please do not buy anything shitty" Jimin stated as the others nodded. After all no one liked the idea of getting a freebie as a gift, not that they won't be thankful but a gift is a gift. "This is supposed to be a secret guys no matter what, don't tell anyone about it" Hobi warned the others. The movie night lasted long enough for everyone to doze into the living room couches itself.


"Jimin-ah did you buy a gift for your secret person?" Taehyung questioned as Jimin kept his phone near his ear by pressing his ear onto his phone which was pressed onto his shoulder in a way to trap his phone between his ear and shoulder. "Yes Tae" He answered while putting his white gloves on. "Jimin-ah I am your best friend right ?" Taehyung cautiously questioned but Jimin was not dumb to not understand Taehyung's real intentions behind it.

"I am not telling you anything Tae" Jimin spoke sternly as he settled down on the long wooden bench placed in front of his shoe cabinet. "Please Minnie" Taehyung's baby voice hit Jimin's ears but a no was a no. "I am n-" He tried to say but his voice was cut off by Jungkook's shout. "Love, are you ready ?" Jimin heard Jungkook's voice coming from their shared bedroom as he leaned down to put his socks on.

"Yes Kook, come fast" Jimin shouted back after putting his phone away from his ear before placing it back on its initial position. He heard Jungkook's footsteps coming over as he noticed the male doberman following behind Jungkook in his beige furry Hoodie. (A bit like the hoodie Jimin bought for Jin as a gift) "His Hoodie looks so cute" Jimin cooed, wanting to kiss little baby Bam right now.

"I know right" Jungkook spoke proudly after all it was his choice. "I can't find his shoes though" Jungkook scratched his neck feeling a bit embarrassed knowing that Jimin would find them in minutes. "Wait a Minute, Wear your gloves and socks till then" Jimin said before walking back into their warm apartment. Taehyung was still on call and continued ranting about other things, very well aware of his best friend's stubborn behaviour so why waste time.

Jimin laughed at Taehyung's jokes as he opened the cabinets to try and look for Bam's shoes. They didn't dress up Bam daily but as they were going out for a walk in snow and ice cold temperature, It was necessary for Bam to wear these because doberman's have short coats and aren't suitable for extremely cold climates. The other reason was to protect his paws. A few minutes and Bam's Black and white sneaker boots were in his hands.

He walked back to the father-son duo after hanging up. He leaned down before Bam and gently put on his boots not wanting to startle the little puppy. Jungkook was the one who usually dressed Bam up or gave Bam a bath and completed his dog care routine not like Jimin can't but he was afraid to mess up. Jimin shifted in with Jungkook and Bam after 8 months of their relationship. Bam was already familiar with Jimin's visits and was overjoyed to have Jimin stay by his side forever.

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