~ Mr. Jeon ~

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A man in his mid 20s was settled down on his office chair blankly staring at the file in his hands. He was boiling inside while reading the content written on the paper. The Employee standing in front of him kept biting his lips and fiddling with his fingers, afraid of what was going to happen.

The air was tense as the Employee refused to breathe awaiting his death. "Who made this?" The cold voice rang through his ears sending shivers down his spine. "Miss S-Suzy" He whispered, not daring to look at the angry predator.

"I want her in front of me in the next five minutes" The demanding voice reached his ears once again. He immediately nodded and turned around to leave. Walking out of the cabin, He ran for his life, The adrenaline rushing in.

In the midst of that he didn't notice the man who was walking in his direction and bumped into him. "Hey! Be careful" Jimin tightly held the coffee mug in his hand, afraid to spill its contents. The panicked man turned to look at him. "Do you know how many tantrums Mr. Vampire would have thrown if I spilled his coffee?" Jimin whined recognizing his fellow colleague.

"Forget that Jimin, He is extremely mad right now, I suggest that you don't go anywhere near him" Taehyung grabbed hold of Jimin's shoulders. "When is he not mad?" Jimin rolled his eyes but he could not ignore the serious look on his best friend's face.

"Miss Suzy, she made a mistake in the file that is to be given to the Jegal's in an hour" Jimin's eyes widened when Taehyung dropped the news. "She is dead" Jimin could not help but whisper. Their blood sucking boss will completely become a vampire today.

"He asked me to bring Miss Suzy to his cabin. '' Taehyung suddenly realized that it was already past five minutes and ran away. Jimin just stared at his retreating back while biting his lips. He glanced at the coffee in his hand and heaved a sigh. "Looks like you are dead too, Park Jimin '' Jimin hit his forehead with his palm multiple times.

Jimin carefully knocked on the door, afraid to anger his boss more than he already is. "Come in" That was sure some powerful voice. Jimin walked in and looked at Jungkook whose back was facing him. "Are you an intern?" Jimin stood there dumbfounded, not understanding the question. Did Mr. Vampire had a memory loss?, He wondered to himself.

Before Jimin could reply Jungkook spoke again. "Or Are you naturally dumb?" Jimin was now offended. What did he even do for Mr. Jeon to call him dumb? He was once again about to answer but was cut off by none other than Jeon Jungkook. "You can't even do a single thing right"

Jimin's jaw was hanging now. He worked diligently every single day only to hear this. "Mr. Jeon, what did I even do?" He questioned with hurt flashing in his eyes. Jungkook frowned at the familiar chirpy voice instead of the high pitched voice of his female employee, Suzy. He turned around with a frown etched on his face and came face to face with his secretary who was staring at him with disbelief and a coffee mug.

The anger in his eyes disappeared when he looked into Jimin's eyes. "I thought it was Suzy" He clarified and Jimin finally gained his composure. "Oh" That's all he could say avoiding Jungkook's eyes. He could have turned around and checked who it was right, He mentally rolled his eyes but kept his expression calm.

"What brings you here Mr. Park?" Jungkook's voice was a lot softer than before but Jimin could not differentiate it. "Your coffee Mr. Jeon '' He walked over to him. From which angle did Taehyung see Mr. Vampire to find him angry because he didn't appear mad at all.

"Thank you Mr. Park" Jungkook took the coffee mug in his hand. The silence in the office lingered around for a while until it became unbearable for Jimin. "Uhm Mr. Jeon I will take my leave then" He passed an awkward smile before turning around to leave ignoring the urge to stay.

"Wait" Jungkook's voice came out more desperate than he intended to sound like. Jimin was confused but waited for his vampire boss to clarify. Jungkook, who had no reason to make Jimin stay, looked around trying to find an excuse.

"There is too much sugar in the coffee" Jungkook praised himself for coming up with a good excuse. "But Mr. Jeon I didn't put sugar in your coffee" Jimin frowned at the mention of sugar, He clearly remembers not putting any.

"I meant there is no sugar in my coffee" Jungkook almost stuttered as his voice came out a bit desperate and panicky. "But you don't like sugar in your coffee" Jimin was staring at him with keen eyes. Did this man lose his memory?

"Exactly Mr. Park! I was just testing you and you passed" A Nervous giggle escaped Jungkook's mouth. "Uh Thank you Mr. Jeon" Jimin gave an awkward smile wondering if his boss was sick or something.

"So can I take my leave now Mr. Jeon?" Jimin passed an awkward smile earning a nod from a flustered Jungkook. "Sure Go Ahead" Jungkook almost punched himself for making things so awkward.

Jimin walked out of the cabin wondering what was wrong with Mr. Vampire. He surely lost his memory today, Jimin shook his head at the thought of that.

Jungkook hit his forehead multiple times not believing what he just did. The shock soon turned into sadness as Jungkook propped down on the couch feeling the tears that were cascading down his face. All this time it was difficult for him to pretend to be ok when his chest was weighing heavy due to sadness.

"When will you remember me, my love? When will you remember us?" Jungkook questioned the silent air remembering the days he buried his nose in the tender skin of Jimin's neck, The time when they were the happiest married couple.

~ End Of The One shot ~

It has been 12 days since I last checked Wattpad and guess what I just hit 4.46 k reads, I am really thankful to all the people who have made an effort to read my book and I appreciate each and every reader.

This journey till now had its ups and downs and I am happy to have not given up. From the first day till now I have learned a lot more about writing. It has truly been an amazing experience for me to learn and grow.

No I am not ending this book sorry if I sounded like that....

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