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"YO PEEJ," Baylen groggily mumbles, raking a hand through the brunette mop on his head. The microwave clock read 12:01, meaning Valentina would be in the Florida house in an hour, which also meant Baylen had to break the news to PJ as soon as possible.

         "Yo," Peej mumbled a response back, his eyes were glued to his phone as he scrolled through Instagram.

        Baylen smoothly slided to the island in the kitchen across from the other boy, leaning a hip against it. He took a deep breath, preparing for any reaction, and placed his phone down.

        "So ... "

        "What Baylen?" The pink-haired boy quickly cuts off his stalling, knowing that he was up to something as he's had countless conversations started like this.

        "Okay, so. Hypothetically, If I talked to Valentina and offered to fly her to Florida to stay with us for a little bit, how would you feel? Hypothetically, of course," Baylen rambles nervously, a sheepish smiled etched on his face.

       Peej didn't bother looking up from his phone, too tired to comprehend his best friend's underlying message, "Hypothetically, I would kill you."

       Baylen's shoulders went to his ears, cringing at the words about to come out of his mouth, knowing that PJ's temper was going to be up to the roof, "Hypothetically, I already booked her flight and I have to pick her up in thirty minutes."

       Peej's head shot up, his braids moving with it, "Are you fucking with me?" His eyes searched for any joking manner in Baylen's face but his nervous face told him all he needed to know, "Baylen, tell me you're fucking joking."

        A nervous chuckle fell from his lips, unsure of what to say other than he was in fact not joking. He fully knew that emotions would be shown about Valentina — by PJ and only PJ — but his preparation was definitely not there.

"Baylen, what the fuck bro?"

"I mean, no going back now."

        Peej let out a frustrated groan, running a hand down his face. He let his hand fall, turning to look at Baylen, "You sneaky bitch, how long did you have this planned?"

        The scrawny brunette boy scratched his head, "Only like since seven or eight, not a long time."

       PJ ignored his words to the question he had asked, too lost in his thoughts, "Fuck bro. What am I gonna do? Living in a house with my ex, fuck you," He points an accusing finger to Baylen.

       He raised his hands in surrender, "Woah, fuck me? It's not like we aren't all friends with her, I've literally known her for longer than you."

      The pink-haired boy narrows his eyes at his best friend, "She's not your fucking ex though, Baylen," He says with annoyance dripping his voice.

       PJ did have a point, a very good one actually, but it wasn't going to stop Baylen. Valentina was one his best friend's too and majority of the guy's in house. At one point they were one big friend group, why couldn't it be like that again?

       "Look, I'm going to pick her up in a couple of minutes. Don't be a Luke Skywalker and be a pussy, bro," Baylen warns him in a more serious tone as he talks with his hands.


        Before PJ can finish his words, the brunette turns his lanky body and strides to collect his keys and — most important — his filmer, Lukas.

       Once the front door slammed shut, Peej's mindset changed as he tried to mentally prepare himself for the next couple of weeks of his personal, awkward hell.

hiii i didn't know how
to end this as u can tell
and i'm so sorry it's so
short but i think i'm going
to make the next chapter a
video chapter, idk tho so
don't quote me. i hope u
all are enjoying so far, ik
i am.

thank u for reading !!! 🤭🤭

 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐓 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ✸ lil peejWhere stories live. Discover now