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fucking nerd

VALENTINA SLID HER TAN ARMS through a thick hoodie, making sure not to damage her slick back ponytail she just had freshly done. The sky was a dull color, the sun attempting to peak through as it would rise in any moment. A yawn escaped from her lips as she read her the digital time displayed on her phone.


Her shoulders dropped at the early time, also the fact that for the next twelve hours she was going to be side by side with her ex-boyfriend in the car. She worried about the torture of awkwardness that Sebas would go through for about six of those hours.

Valentina huffed, shuffling over to her standing mirror that laid against the wall. She eyed her droopy eyes and sluggish figure before a string of knocks echoed throughout her room, though they were soft against the door. Before she could respond, two blue orbs peaked through the crack of the door.

The blonde knew exactly who it was considering she had drowned in those ocean eyes at one point in her life, "Come in, Patrick," She called out but sure of not to disturb the others sleeping in the house. He followed her command, PJ was dressed similarly with a signature Baylen Levine merchandise and sweatpants.

"You ready to go?" He softly questioned, his eyes glancing around the room considering it was the first time he had been in there since Valentina had arrived and had put her belongings around it. She hummed, nodding at his words as she looked at him through the mirror.

She wrapped her arms around her body in a comforting manner before turning her body to face him, "Could you hand me my glasses?" She nodded towards the frames sitting on her nightstand next to the boy. He glanced at her then to the table, gently grabbing them and stepping towards her.

Their hands slightly connected as the boy handed her the glasses, she softly smiled in return before sliding them onto her face. His eyes followed her movements, tilting his head to the side.

"You got new glasses?"

Valentina snorted at his words, slightly impressed that he had even noticed, "They were from freshman year, I needed new ones. I can't believe you even noticed."

A grin broke out onto her face as he shrugged, "Well I always liked when you wore your glasses."

"You didn't think I looked like a fucking nerd?" She mumbled, giggling as the words fell from her lips.

Valentina's laughs were infectious to PJ as they spread to him, he shook his head as they both shared the comfortable moment together. As their laughter died down, she glanced at him for a second through the large frames before grabbing her phone and slightly pushing past the boy, leaving him in her room by himself.

Peej's orbs bounced around before landing on a few picture frames perfectly placed on another night stand on the opposite side of the bed. One was a picture of her and her beloved cat but the other one was a picture of Baylen posing in front of Valentina dying PJ's hair pink for the first time, the two sharing the same large grin. He smiled to himself before turning on his heel to follow the girl he once loved.

hi ...
i feel terrible for not updating in
legit forever BUT it's here not and
not proofread so excuse any mistakes.
hope u guys enjoyed the little pj and val
also to all my glasses wearers you are
not dorks, you are beautiful sorry
for that LMFAO. also my pics aren't
loading so sorry for no sebas pic either

but would u guys be up for a new peej
book with best friends brother trope ??
lmk !!!

love you all very much, comment & vote !!!

 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐓 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ✸ lil peejWhere stories live. Discover now