| 8 | Sunlight ☀︎︎

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I spent the majority of my weekend on the couch, with textbooks and a bunch of snacks and so much wine. Lottie offered to come over and help but I told her to go enjoy her weekend, she likes partying and drinking and living it up on the weekends, I just am not in the mood to be around a bunch of sweaty, wasted people. I thankfully finished my midterms so I am officially off for summer break, so that means I can go visit my mom soon, she wants to come here and meet Lottie but I told her the drive is too far for her by herself, but she argues that she doesn't want me paying for a plane ticket when it's hard for me to even buy food right now. But she's my mom, I would spend all of my money to see her. Either way, she might be coming with my aunt instead, that would make me feel better.

I have a relatively short shift today, I'm working on a summer display when the bell above the door rings as the door opens and closes, I don't turn to see who it is yet and I finish my display quickly "Hello! Welcome in, is there anything I can help you with?" I say as I finish moving some flowers over to another table and I turn to see them.

A tall man with dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes, his eyes are so dark they're almost black. He seems friendly enough although he doesn't seem the type to be in a flower shop. "I need to place an order for flower arrangements, I'll need them by Saturday." His voice is deep and raspy. "Oh, okay" I say as I walk over to the register to get his order placed, he makes me nervous, I can't quite figure out why but he does. He's beautiful, but he seems dangerous. That feeling intrigues me.

"So, what are the arrangements for?" I ask and I swallow the lump in my throat, I glance down and notice he doesn't have an engagement ring on, so I'm assuming it's not for a wedding.
"Not for a wedding," he says, he notices me glace down and my cheeks unwillingly turn pink, his lips curl into a small smirk before he speaks again "They're for a dinner party, I'll need 12 arrangements, a mix of mainly red with black and gold accents if possible," he speaks and I feel like I could melt into a puddle on the floor, his voice is deep and a little raspy but still sophisticated. "Of course, we can have them done by 2 pm, is that okay?" I say as I take shallow breaths trying to mask my nerves, no one makes me nervous like this, I can't think and I feel like every time I speak I sound like a little scared puppy. Don't forget he is a client Marcy, just do your job I think to myself.

"That's perfect, but, will you be making the arrangements?" he asks coolly "oh, probably a few of the-" I speak but he cuts my sentence off "No, I want all of them to be made by you, I'll pay extra" he rasps in a commanding tone. "oh.. sure, I can do that" I say in a slightly more nervous tone. My stomach is filled with butterflies and the ache in my throat will kill me soon. A small smile appears on his lips "Good" he says and I put in all the information in, "oh, will someone be picking them up or do you want them delivered?" I ask softly "If you deliver them then I want them delivered." he says and pauses for a moment to think before continuing "Actually, I want you to come to the party, I'll have someone come here and pick up the arrangements at 2 and then I'll come pick you up at 5," he says in a tone that makes it seem like I don't get a choice in the matter. I hesitate "I-I don't know if I can" I lie, I totally can, I have nothing to do on Saturday, Lottie has plans already so my day is wide open. "Well, I think you can," he says, and all the butterflies in my stomach multiply. "Your total will be $540," I say to change the subject "Okay, make it $700 since you'll be making the arrangements," he says, and the once-pink tint on my cheeks turns red. "Okay," I say as he pays and gives me his phone number, after that he begins walking out, as he opens the door he turns "5, beautiful, and wear something nice" he smirks as he walks out and the door closes behind him.

"WHAT!?" Lottie shouts "Ugh, I always miss the hot guys" She groans and rests her head on the counter, I pat her shoulder "It's okay, someday you will," I say teasingly, and she brings her head up to roll her eyes at me "Whatever, so he asked, sorry, told you that you were going to some dinner party" I nod "Yes, and I don't even know him" she smirks "well you know he's hot. and rich" I sigh "yeah yeah, it's just weird" I trail off "weird!? No no Marci this is great, you get to go to a dinner party with some handsome, rich, mysterious man." she pauses "Hey! This might be the sugar daddy you've been needing" I playfully push her shoulder and roll my eyes "No, no sugar daddies. I don't want to do have sex with someone regularly for money and jewelry and clothes. I'm not judging anyone who does, I just don't want to be a prostitute" she gasps dramatically "It is not prostitution! Sometimes they just want some pretty arm candy, no sex required" She's right, but this man didn't seem the type to just want arm candy, it was obvious, he wanted something more. Which I wasn't going to give him, not immediately at least. "I know, I know," I say before pausing "Are you going to go dress shopping with me?" I ask, I know the answer but I ask anyway "Um do you even have to ask that? OBVIOUSLY YES" she says enthusiastically, I chuckle at her enthusiasm, and we continue talking about outfits and such.

It was Tuesday, so I had some time to find a dress and get the arrangements done. I'm nervous, I want these to be the best arrangements I've ever made, if they aren't perfect then I'll be letting him down, and a part of me doesn't want to know what he's like when he's disappointed.

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